Azerbaijani puppet court rejects Ruben Vardanyan`s complaint for  illegal arrest
 Monday, May 27 2024, 16:04

ArmInfo.The Azerbaijani puppet court rejected the complaint of former state minister of Artsakh,  philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan for illegal arrest.  The decision was read out at the trial in the Baku Court of Appeal. Ruben Vardanyan's complaint was not satisfied.

Azerbaijani puppet court extends illegal arrest of Ruben Vardanyan  for another 5 months
 Thursday, May 16 2024, 14:41

ArmInfo. The Azerbaijani puppet court extended the illegal arrest of Ruben Vardanyan for another 5  months. Vardanyan's defense report notes that this decision is illegal and  unfounded.

UN Committee against Torture is alarmed by extra-judicial killings,  torture and ill-treatment of Armenians by Azerbaijanis during armed  conflicts
 Monday, May 13 2024, 21:13

ArmInfo. The UN Committee against Torture (CAT) has published findings on the implementation of the  Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment by Austria, Azerbaijan, Finland, Honduras, Liechtenstein and North Macedonia.

Support for Armenian prisoners held illegally in Baku prison: March to Tsitsernakaberd
 Wednesday, April 24 2024, 16:07

ArmInfo. This year, on the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, banners could be seen at the top of Tsitsernakaberd, reading, "Free Armenian Prisoners Now," "There can be no peace agreement without the release of Armenian prisoners," "No COP29 in Azerbaijan without freeing all Armenian prisoners," "Global Silence, Global Shame: Stop Genocide," alongside the photos of more than two dozen Armenian prisoners illegally held in Baku prison.  These banners were carried by the participants of the mass march organized by the friends of Ruben Vardanyan, who is illegally detained in Baku prison, not only paying tribute to the memory of millions of innocent martyrs on the anniversary of the Genocide, but also expressing their support for the Armenian prisoners and Ruben Vardanyan, who declared a hunger strike on April 5 in order to demand the immediate release of all Armenian prisoners.  "Today, we commemorate the martyrs of the Genocide and, through this action, we simultaneously strive to draw the world's attention to the fact that we have prisoners held illegally in Baku prisons, one of whom, Ruben Vardanyan, has been on hunger strike for about 20 days.  International human rights organizations should respond and implement pressure mechanisms, because the issue of Armenian prisoners illegally arrested and held as hostages in an authoritarian country is also the issue of the civilized world. We know that Ruben Vardanyan's family and friends are concerned about his condition and demand that the International Committee of the Red Cross visit him immediately. Through this march, we also demand the same and join Ruben Vardanyan's demand to immediately release all Armenian prisoners," said Ruben Hayrapetyan, the organizer of the action.  One of the banners borne by the participants of the march was the message conveyed by Ruben Vardanyan from Baku prison to his family: "Values and principles are more important than even life itself.

ICRC staff visits Armenians held hostage in Baku
 Monday, April 15 2024, 15:16

ArmInfo. In April, the  International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)  representatives  again visited all the Armenian detainees notified by the Azerbaijani authorities.  This is stated in the message of the Baku representative office of the ICRC.

Yerevan is working to return prisoners from Baku, although at times  it looks like `Sisyphean task` - Pashinyan
 Tuesday, March 12 2024, 14:50

ArmInfo.Yerevan is working to return Armenian prisoners held in Azerbaijan. Prime Minister Nikol  Pashinyan stated on March 12 at a press conference, referring to the efforts of the RA authorities to return prisoners illegally held by Baku, as well as the statement of Russian leader Vladimir Putin that  "they don't really want to see the former leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh in Yerevan."

RPA youth and student organization members hold protest near  Armenia`s foreign office
 Tuesday, February 20 2024, 18:02

ArmInfo. Representatives of the youth and student organization of the Republican Party of Armenia  (RPA) held a protest rally near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia on February 20.

Armenia`s resident unaware of what Azerbaijan is - Alexander Lapshin 
 Monday, January 22 2024, 11:24

ArmInfo. Russian-Israeli blogger Alexander Lapshin reacted to footage posted by the  Azerbaijani side about the conditions of detention of the military-political leadership of Artsakh, captured in September last year, after another act of aggression against the Armenians.

Ruben Vardanyan`s arrest slap on face of civilized world - Country for Life
 Thursday, December 28 2023, 11:49

ArmInfo. For three months now, Ruben Vardanyan and former high-ranking military and political figures of Artsakh have been illegally held in Baku prisons.  Mesrop Arakelyan, co-founder of the Country for Life party, wrote about this on his Facebook page.

ICRC reps in Baku visit leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh
 Wednesday, December 27 2023, 12:27

ArmInfo. Personnel of the  International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) again visited persons  of Armenian origin, Head of Public Relations Department of the ICRC  Representative Office in Azerbaijan Ilaha Huseynova told Trend.

Nassim Taleb on Ruben Vardanyan: "he is treated as "terrorist"
 Friday, December 8 2023, 00:16

ArmInfo.The famous American essayist, economist, futurologist and risk manager, Ph.D. Nassim  Taleb believes that the former Minister of State of Artsakh, Ruben Vardanyan, who is under arrest in Azerbaijan, is treated as a 'terrorist'.

Armenia`s premier, Azerbaijani president one team - Levon Zurabyan
 Saturday, December 2 2023, 15:05

ArmInfo.Armenia's authorities are not doing anything to have Ruben Vardanyan and the other former  leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh released, Levon Zurabyan, Vice- Chairman of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) stated at a press conference on December 2. 

Adam Schiff introduces legislation demanding Azerbaijan`s immediate  release of Armenian POWs, civilians, Artsakh government officials
 Friday, November 10 2023, 10:06

ArmInfo.Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) introduced legislation today demanding Azerbaijan's immediate  release of Armenian prisoners of war, captured civilians, and political prisoners, including Artsakh government officials illegally detained during Azerbaijan's ethnic cleansing last month, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

Azeri side publishes photo of David Babayan after his detention for  the first time 
 Friday, October 6 2023, 17:49

ArmInfo. Azerbaijan continues to create the illusion of an excellent relationship with captured  Artsakh officials. This time, the Azeri media began to publish the photo of former  Artsakh Foreign Minister Davit Babayan in Azeri captivity.

Putin: Yerevan isn`t exactly eager to see former leaders of  Nagorno-Karabakh
 Thursday, October 5 2023, 20:37

ArmInfo.Yerevan isn't exactly eager to see the former leaders of Nagorno- Karabakh. Russian  President Vladimir Putin stated during a plenary session of the Valdai International Discussion Club, answering the question whether Russia can call on Baku to show mercy to the former leaders of Nagorno- Karabakh, including former Minister of State Ruben Vardanyan, who is very well known in the Russian Federation.

Azerbaijan brings charges against Karabakh ex-president Arayik  Harutyunyan
 Thursday, October 5 2023, 11:55

ArmInfo.The State Security Service and the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan today  issued a joint statement stating that the former President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan has been charged under more than nine articles of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

Nagorno-Karabakh president in Armenia 
 Wednesday, October 4 2023, 16:02

ArmInfo. The President of Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Shahramanyan is already on the territory of  Armenia; he has not been detained by Azerbaijani security forces, a source told TASS.

Azerbaijani State Security Service arrests Major General David  Manukyan
 Friday, September 29 2023, 17:28

ArmInfo. The State Security Service of Azerbaijan arrested Major General David Manukyan,  Azerbaijani media reported on September 29.

Media reports: Azerbaijan detains Armenian generals Levon  Mnatsakanyan and Arshavir Gharamyan
 Friday, September 29 2023, 15:27

ArmInfo.Lieutenant General Levon Mnatsakanyan was detained some time ago by Azerbaijanis  at the checkpoint on the road from Artsakh to Armenia. Chairman of the Civil Consciousness NGO Narek Samsonyan says.

David Babayan: people of Artsakh could not be left to die
 Thursday, September 21 2023, 17:57

ArmInfo. Following the meeting in Yevlakh, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Advisor to the President of the  Republic of Artsakh David Babayan told the Reuters agency that there is no final agreement with Baku, details need to be agreed upon.
