ArmInfo. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia has proposed a comprehensive regulation of international cooperation in criminal proceedings between states. The Committee on State and Legal Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia approved the draft law "On Legal Assistance in Criminal Proceedings" submitted by the Government of the Republic of Armenia in the second reading at its session on November 11.
According to the main speaker, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Armenuhi Harutyunyan, the presented document concerns the solution of existing problems in the extradition of convicts. Harutyunyan noted that the subject of separate regulation will be legal relations related to the procedures for the extradition of convicts, the transfer of convicts or persons released on parole to the territory of a foreign state or the Republic of Armenia under supervision, as well as the recognition or amendment of decisions of foreign states and international courts and their consequences.
The draft also establishes legal norms concerning the enforcement of a sentence issued in the absence of a person, the prosecution in the territory of Armenia in the event of refusal to extradite, detention for the purpose of actual extradition of a person, deferment of extradition, and re-extradition, which were not enshrined in domestic legislation. According to the Deputy Minister, a separate chapter regulates legal relations related to the transfer of criminal proceedings: the procedure and conditions for the transfer of proceedings, requirements arising from international treaties for the execution of a request, the form and content of a petition, and grounds for rejecting a request. Separate articles of the draft establish the specifics related to the transfer of minors.