ArmInfo. The current government of the Republic of Armenia and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan personally have come to the conclusion that "historical" and "real" Armenia are antagonists and create the most serious threats to each other, Armenia's premier stated on April 10 in parliament, presenting a report on the progress and results of the program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia (2021-2026) for 2023.
According to Pashinyan, he and the entire government of the Republic of Armenia, having long been bearers of the traditions and psychology of "historical" Armenia, only in 2022 recorded that the key factor in ensuring the security of the Republic of Armenia has been ignored since the first years of the founding of statehood. This factor, as the prime minister explained, is the internationally recognized borders of the Republic of Armenia.
"Only after the September 2022 war, I was clearly convinced that the fixation of the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Armenia could become an additional and decisive factor in ensuring the short-, medium- and long-term security of our country," he said.
It was from this moment, according to him, that a psychological and political process began, called the process of delimitation between "real" and "historical" Armenia. At the same time, as Pashinyan pointed out, the process is harder and more painful than delimitation with Azerbaijan. "Historical Armenia does not recognize the territorial integrity of real Armenia, since the latter is a limiting factor for the former," Pashinyan said.
In this sense, the head of the Cabinet continued, "historical" Armenia, willingly or unwillingly, echoes a number of countries that encroach on the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of real Armenia.
In addition, the prime minister pointed out, historical Armenia not only guarantees eternal enmity with a number of countries, but also gives them a reason and grounds for an aggressive policy towards Armenia. It also forces the "real" Armenia to be dependent on the "senior partner", deprived of real independence, he noted. "Our vision of historical Armenia will always lead us into the trap of genocide, in which we will need a savior and patron, without whom we cannot exist. The fear of genocide will keep us in the status of an outpost. And an outpost does not need territorial integrity, borders, or sovereignty. He only needs a patron," Pashinyan said.
Meanwhile, according to the prime minister, the government and society of Armenia should concentrate on serving the interests of "real Armenia", while fixing the impossibility of returning to the thinking and logic of "historical Armenia" in the future. Otherwise, there will be a constant source of threats within the country, he said.