ArmInfo. The issues of the ecological status of Lake Sevan and the prevention of illegal logging in forest arrays of Armenia were discussed yesterday at a meeting of the Public Council under the Minister of the Nature Protection.
The participants in the discussion presented activities undertaken to stabilize the ecological state of Lake Sevan, the waters of whichare subjected to a high level of eutrophication - the process of deterioration of water quality due to the excessive flow of so-called "biogenic elements" into the water, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Numerous anthropogenic factors influencing the ecological balance of the lake were considered, measures to reduce their impact were identified.
The meeting participants presented their positions and proposals on solving the problem, noting the importance of analyzing the results of the implementation of the monitoring system, establishing the water quality standard in Lake Sevan, restoring the flora and fauna population.
Thus, earlier in an interview with ArmInfo, the well-known ecologist and water resource expert Knarik Hovhannisyan noted that the reasons for Sevan's eutrophication lie in the elevated temperature of the lake's water, resulting in a decrease in the deep "cold" layer, which leads to a change in the habitual biodiversity. This process is also promoted by sewage from the entire drainage basin, which contains, in addition to municipal wastewater, household waste, fertilizers, pesticides, etc., that are washed away from irrigated lands, also contributes to this process. In this sense, according to the expert, the operation of only three treatment facilities, which perform only mechanical water treatment, is rather insufficient. A very important and dangerous factor in the eutrophication of the lake is the small hydroelectric power stations built on the rivers flowing into the lake, which often take water from the rivers above the allowed limit, thus not providing the necessary amount of environmental protection. Often, these structures lack the so-called "fish walkers" necessary for spawning fish. As a result of all this, according to the ecologist, in recent years there has been a disappearance of the crawfish population in the lake and some species of fish, which are natural nurses of Sevan.
Not a small "contribution" to the lake pollution is brought by several hundred tourist facilities around the perimeter of the lake, which practically do not have sewage treatment plants and wash their drains directly into the lake. There are also several dozen fish farms that artificially grow trout, which use feed of unknown composition - antibiotics, preservatives, dyes, etc.
Nature Protection Minister Erik Grigoryan said that the main part of the proposed offers are in the process, and stressed the importance of cooperation with scientific structures and expert communities. As part of the discussion on illegal logging, the latest legislative changes, initiated by the Ministry, were introduced, which closed all legal gaps that contributed to lawlessness. Legal regulations also tightened penalties that criminalize individual cases.
At the suggestion of the participants of the meeting, measures aimed at strengthening the capabilities of specially protected natural territories and taking fire-fighting measures in forest areas were also touched upon.