Sunday, July 8 2018, 01:41


Embassy of Russian Federation: Through common efforts over the past  26 years, ties between Russia and Armenia have been brought to a new  qualitative level of allied interaction
 Tuesday, April 3 2018, 18:02

ArmInfo. Through joint efforts  over the past 26 years, ties between Russia and Armenia have been  brought to a new qualitative level of allied interaction. This is  stated in the statement of the Russian embassy in Armenia, circulated  on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the establishment of  diplomatic relations between Yerevan and Moscow.

 Wednesday, February 14 2018, 15:07


Sargsyan: Armenian-Russian strategic cooperation is distinguished by  a high-trusted political dialogue
 Tuesday, November 21 2017, 15:37

ArmInfo. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in his congratulatory speech to the  participants and guests of the Armenia-Russia: Friendship For Centuries exhibition noted that the name of the exhibition of archival materials devoted to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation reflects the true nature of the strategic  alliance of our two countries, according to the press service of the  Armenian leader. 

 Monday, April 24 2017, 12:42


Lavrov: Today Armenia and Russia stand in front of massive combined  issues on peacekeeping, stabilization and safety in Southern Caucasus 
 Monday, April 3 2017, 14:03

ArmInfo. Russian MFA Minister Sergey Lavrov wrote an article 'Russia and Armenia centuries-old traditions of friendship and trust to 25th anniversary of diplomatic  relations' which was published in the Novoe Vremya newspaper. 

The bill, confirming the right to restoration of Armenian state on  historical lands is included in Armenian Parliament
 Wednesday, February 22 2017, 17:30

ArmInfo.Head of "Heritage" Party Zaruhi Postanjyan presented to the National Assembly of Armenia a bill "On the non-recognition and condemnation of the illegal  provisions of the anti-Armenian treaties of Moscow and Kars of March  16 and October 13, 1921".

 Saturday, February 20 2016, 13:50
 Thursday, February 11 2016, 04:46
 Tuesday, February 9 2016, 12:38
 Monday, February 8 2016, 07:52
