Aram Manukyan`s film won the prestigious Parole Aperte award in the Vatican

 Wednesday, March 26 2025 17:23
Aram Manukyan`s film won the prestigious Parole Aperte award in the Vatican

ArmInfo. Aram Manukyan's short film "Sigma" has been honored with the prestigious Parole Aperte award in the Vatican. As reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, the award was presented to the director following the screening of the film in the Sistine Hall of the Vatican Apostolic Library.

Final event celebrating Charles Aznavour`s 100th anniversary  at  UNESCO headquarters
 Wednesday, March 26 2025 16:40

ArmInfo. The final anniversary event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Charles Aznavour was held at UNESCO headquarters, as reported by the press service of the  Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports (MOESCS) of the  Republic of Armenia. The concert program was titles "Une vie  d'Amour," featuring a selection of favorite, familiar and unfamiliar  songs by the great chansonnier.

Memorial plaque to Armenian poet Avetik Isahakyan unveiled in Leipzig
 Wednesday, March 26 2025 12:15

ArmInfo. A memorial plaque to the great Armenian poet Avetik Isahakyan was unveiled on the building at Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 27 in Leipzig. He lived at this address  while studying at the University of Leipzig.

Artsakh organizations launching project of database of victories of  Armenia and Artsakh 
 Tuesday, March 25 2025 11:02

ArmInfo. A large-scale project aimed at creating a comprehensive information database is being launched at the initiative of the Office of the Protector of the  Cultural Heritage of the Armenian Highland, the National Sculpture  Park-Museum, the National Historical and Cultural Public  Organization, as well as the Artsakh Tourism and Cultural Development  Agency.

Yerevan to host Russian Film Festival  in April 
 Monday, March 24 2025 15:50

ArmInfo. The Russian Film Festival will be held in Yerevan from April 3 to 5. During the  festival Yerevan viewers will have the opportunity to watch both the  latest releases and classic films representing Russian cinema. The  festival will take place at the Moscow Cinema. According to a message  from ROSKINO, the festival organizer, the program will feature five  films.

RA Academy of Arts to establish cooperation with Cultural Development  Foundation
 Friday, March 21 2025 13:29

ArmInfo. The Academy of Arts of Armenia will start cooperation with the Cultural Development Fund. The corresponding memorandum was signed by the rector of the Academy Vardan Azatyan and the director of the Cultural Development  Foundation Karen Avetisyan.

Armenia making strides in attracting prestigious international  auction houses to its market
 Thursday, March 20 2025 14:34

ArmInfo. On March 20, the Armenian government approved a legislative package regarding the organization of cultural auctions. As stated by the Minister of Education,  Science, Culture and Sports (MOESCS) Zhanna Andreasyan, the draft law  aims to introduce tools and mechanisms in the cultural sphere that  will enhance the significance of cultural activities in both public  and economic life.

Yerevan to host cultural educational project  `Tchaikovsky - music  without visas`
 Wednesday, March 19 2025 13:07

ArmInfo. Descendant of the famous von Meck and Tchaikovsky families, researcher, educator, collector - Denis von Meck - on the eve of the celebration of the  185th anniversary of the birth of the great composer P.I. Tchaikovsky  will present in Yerevan the cultural and educational project  .

Gala concert Une vie d amour honoring 100th anniversary of Charles  Aznavour to take place in Paris
 Tuesday, March 18 2025 14:00

ArmInfo. A gala concert Une vie d amour (<A life full of love>), will be held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, to honor the 100th anniversary of the birth of  Charles Aznavour, a world legend of chanson and musical art, and the  Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to UNESCO.

Armenia, Germany to hold Culture Days
 Tuesday, March 18 2025 10:54

ArmInfo. On March 17, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Sargis Khandanyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary  of the Federal Republic of Germany to our country Claudia Busch.

Cultural Heritage Ombudsman: Azerbaijan continues to Albanianize Armenian cultural heritage in Artsakh
 Monday, March 17 2025 18:01

ArmInfo. Alongside  the systematic destruction of historical and architectural monuments, khachkars and entire settlements in Artsakh, the Azerbaijani authorities are pursuing a policy of Albanianization of Armenian cultural heritage, distorting its authenticity. This was reported in a publication by the Ombudsman for Cultural Heritage of the Armenian Highlands on Facebook page. According to the publication, one of the targets of this policy was the Church of St. Stephen, located in the village of Khachen in the Askeran region of Artsakh. It is noted that bibliographic information about the church is very limited: writer Makar Barkhudaryants mentions a village called Seytishen in his work "Artsakh".

Performance "Manouchian..." in Artsashat to usher in Francophonie  Days in Armenia 
 Saturday, March 15 2025 15:08

ArmInfo. On March 14, in the city of Artashat, at the Amo Kharazyan state drama theatre, a ceremonial event was held to mark the launch of the traditional two-  month Francophonie celebrations in Armenia, within the framework of  which, the theatrical performance "Manouchian..." was showcased. The  event was organized through the joint initiative of the Ministry of  Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and  Sports.

Artistic comics for young compatriots "7 stones. Armenia through the centuries" presented in Yerevan
 Thursday, March 13 2025 15:32

ArmInfo. On March 13, the Russian  House in Yerevan hosted a presentation of the artistic comic book for  young compatriots title "7 stones. Armenia through the centuries".  The project was the result of the nostalgia of retired Armenian  police colonel and head of the public organization "The Path of  Kindness" Alexander Berezovsky. Although he was born on the  Spitsbergen archipelago,  he grew up in Yerevan. In his memories,  yard games were more than  just fan activities, they were a way to  communicate with each other.  As Alexander Berezovsky shared, he  decided to take the opportunity to recall the ancient Armenian game  "7 stones".

The echo of  Eurasia-Film Festival  to be heard in Armenia as well
 Tuesday, March 11 2025 18:41

ArmInfo.The echo of <Eurasia-Film Festival> will also be heard in Armenia.  Following festivals in Kyrgyzstan and Abkhazia, the  organizers, the autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) <Eurasia>, have decided to hold the  <Echo Eurasia-Film Festival> film forum in Yerevan as well

MESCS: Italian specialists to continue restoration of 3rd century  bathhouse near Garni temple
 Tuesday, March 11 2025 14:52

ArmInfo.Specialists from the Italian Institute "L'Opificio delle Pietre Dure" are  set to come to   Armenia this year to work on the restoration of the 3rd century bathhouse near the pagan temple of Garni.

Kyiv International University, Parajanov Museum in Yerevan to  cooperate 
 Monday, March 10 2025 12:21

ArmInfo.Kyiv International University (KIU) and the Sergei Parajanov Museum in Yerevan will  begin cooperation to promote the development of the first and only Sergei Parajanov Museum in Ukraine, which has been operating within the walls of KIU since 2020. The corresponding memorandum was signed  between the director of the Sergei Parajanov Museum in Yerevan Anahit Mikaelyan and the president of KIU Khachatur Khachaturyan.

 French director Robert Bresson`s film to be shown in Yerevan
 Friday, March 7 2025 17:16

ArmInfo.A retrospective of French director Robert Bresson's films will be shown in Yerevan, as  stated in a message from the Filmadaran NGO received by ArmInfo.  According to the source, Bresson's works will be featured in our country as part of the Cine-club, which is dedicated to French cinema.

Book entitled `Formation of the State of Azerbaijan and the Problem  of Ethnogenesis of Azerbaijanis` released in Yerevan
 Friday, March 7 2025 13:50

ArmInfo. The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (NAS RA) hosted a presentation of the book by  historian and orientalist, candidate of historical sciences Anush Harutyunyan entitled "Formation of the State of Azerbaijan and the Problem of Ethnogenesis of Azerbaijanis". 

1.5 Million View "Christianity & the Amazing Armenians: 10 Facts"
 Wednesday, March 5 2025 17:03

ArmInfo. WASHINGTON, March 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- During five days in February (14th – 18th), more than 1.5 million viewed the "Christianity & the Amazing Armenians: 10 Facts" in the South Florida Sun Sentinel. The full-page ads (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) in the first section of the newspaper, along with its top leaderboard banner online, generated widespread engagement and conversation.

`Anora,` with Armenian actors playing cameos, wins best picture at  Oscars
 Monday, March 3 2025 15:07

ArmInfo.  "Anora," a tragicomic Cinderella story set in a murky modern world of New York strippers,  Russian billionaires and incompetent gangsters, won the coveted Oscar  for best picture on Sunday, world media report. 

Armenia`s Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports to hold  jubilee events 100th anniversary of Armenian-Iranian artist Marcos  Grigorian
 Thursday, February 27 2025 15:11

ArmInfo.The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia (MECS) intends to  hold jubilee events for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian- Iranian artist Marcos Grigorian. 

