ArmInfo. The relationship between the church and the state, if we do not consider a number of nuances, should be as they ought to be. The state should not interfere in the affairs of the church, and the church in the affairs of the state.
This was stated by the head of the Armenian government, Nikol Pashinyan, during a conversation with representatives of the Armenian Diaspora in Switzerland. He noted that since 2018, when the revolution occurred, there has been discussion about the necessity for a new Catholicos. However, Pashinyan clarified, referring to his public statements, that the government has nothing to do with this, the focus is on the Catholicos of All Armenians, rather than the Catholicos of the Republic of Armenia.
At the same time, he emphasized the importance of transparency in the Church's operations. He acknowledged the public's demand for transparency in government affairs, which he fully agrees with. Pashinyan highlighted the need for transparency in the church as well, using sale of untaxed candles as example. <We are asked whether we want to tax the church. We have legislation - when you sell something, you are obliged to issue a receipt from the CCA (cash register). This is the law,> the head of government said. At the same time, Pashinyan noted that the tax paid by the church will be returned to the last penny. <Moreover, if there is a need for additional funding for the regular activities of the church in the Republic of Armenia, we will also consider it,> he emphasized.