ArmInfo. In 2024, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise in Armenia demined and cleared 91,948 square meters of hazardous territory from explosive ordnance. This is stated in the report of the Center, which summed up the results of the work last year.
As noted in the report, as a result of research work, 6 confirmed hazardous areas with explosive ordnance with a total area of 1,588,427 square meters were identified on the territory of the republic. These are mainly border settlements in the Tavush and Vayots Dzor regions. As a result of signals received from the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and individual citizens, 2 units of rockets and 4 units of 100-mm shells were found in the Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Aragatsotn regions. The found ammunition was destroyed.
As of the end of December 2024, there are 114 confirmed and 22 suspected hazardous areas with mines and unexploded ordnance in the country, covering a total area of 43,536,583 square meters. The highest "contamination" with explosive ordnance is observed in the Gegharkunik and Syunik regions.
As of December 2024, 807 people have been injured by mines and explosives.
In 2024, female sappers who were trained at the Center's training complex were also involved in demining operations.
Last year, the organization continued to cooperate with international organizations in the field of mine protection. In particular, meetings, discussions, and exchange of experience were held with representatives of France, the United States, Lebanon, China, as well as with the International Center for Humanitarian Demining, located in Geneva. In this context, memorandums of understanding were signed with the Lebanese Mine Action Center and the French Association for the Safety of Persons, Property and the Environment (ASPEBE).
In 2025, work will continue to detect and demining areas from unexploded ordnance. Hazardous areas will also be marked.