Tuesday, December 17 2024 10:38
Alexandr Avanesov

Armenia`s Academy of Sciences proposes solutions to problem of waste  at Nairi plant 

Armenia`s Academy of Sciences proposes solutions to problem of waste  at Nairi plant 

ArmInfo. The problem with  waste disposal from the Yerevan chemical plant "Nairit" continues to  worry both the Armenian authorities and the public of the republic. 

Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic noted that  a huge amount of work needs to be done at the enterprise to solve the  existing problem. Several discussions have already taken place in the  government on this issue. In order to avoid risks, this waste is  guarded around the clock, and the Rescue Service is also in  operation.

The issue was also the subject of a meeting held on October 2 at the  Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia, which  was chaired by the head of the service, Deputy Minister of Internal  Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Kamo Tsutsulyan. The discussions  were attended by specialists from the National Center for Technical  Security, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and  Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of  Environment, the National Security Service, and other structures.   The central place on the agenda was occupied by the current  activities of the interdepartmental working group formed by the order  of the Prime Minister, aimed at developing possible mechanisms for  handling chemicals on the territory of Nairit Plant CJSC and  neutralizing their impact on the environment. Kamo Tsutsulyan  emphasized the need for active interdepartmental cooperation in the  direction of safe handling of chemicals on the territory of the  enterprise CJSC. He paid special attention to the issues of storage  and control of chemicals, noting that ensuring safety requires joint  and consistent work. Kamo Tsutsulyan touched upon a number of issues  of reducing the risks of emergency situations and implementing  preventive measures. Following the discussion, it was decided to form  a package of proposals that will be presented to the members of the  working group and then transferred to the office of the Deputy Prime  Minister of the Republic of Armenia for the effective organization of  further processes. After the bankruptcy of the enterprise, about 13  thousand tons of hazardous waste remained on its territory.

In an interview with ArmInfo correspondent, Academician of the  National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Academician-Secretary of the  Department of Chemistry and Science and Earth, Doctor of Chemical  Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Armenia Levon Tavadyan  noted that proposals had been made by the Russian side to solve the  existing problem, but the problem was never resolved. The most  important thing is that the initiative of the Russian colleagues  offers solutions related to all waste, except for the problem of  disposal of ethynol varnish, of which about 1,200 tons have  accumulated. This mixture is extremely dangerous due to its explosive  nature. The academician recalled that during the period when the  plant was being built, it was erected outside Yerevan, and today the  enterprise is part of the capital of Armenia, and the presence of  such dangerous substances can lead to unpredictable consequences.   "The shelf life of ethynol varnish, which is heterogeneous in  composition and distribution, is several times longer than the  established norm. The substances are in rusty tanks and pose an  extreme danger to others. In the event of a fire hazard, a detonation  effect may occur, but it is impossible to simply burn them, just as  it is impossible to remove waste due to the wear of the containers,"  said Levon Tavadyan.

He emphasized that the Armenian government proposed that the National  Academy of Sciences, and in particular, the Department of Chemistry  and Earth Sciences, study this issue. "A special commission was  created to study the problem, serious discussions were held with  specialists at the Problem Council under the Presidium of the  National Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Council on  Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, Natural and Man-Made Disasters,  during which issues of decontamination of these substances and their  disposal were considered," the academician emphasized. Levon Tavadyan  added that during the discussions, a proposal was received from the  head of the Armenian company "Ecoatom" Gagik Martoyan, who proposed a  heat-free electrical technology for waste disposal and its conversion  into a commercial product - soot, which, in particular, can be used  in road construction, and nanographite. However, Levon Tavadyan  continued, the proposed technology has not been tested, since there  is no appropriate equipment. In this matter, one can count on the  experience and assistance of the Russians. Martoyan's project itself  was approved and sent to the relevant authorities, the process is  under consideration. "The problem of waste disposal must be solved  comprehensively and as quickly as possible. At the same time, we must  keep in mind the considerable funds that are spent on ensuring the  current safety of the enterprise," the academician of the National  Academy of Sciences of Armenia summarized.

Recall that the Nairit plant, built in the 1930s, was among the six  largest global producers of synthetic rubber, occupying 10% of the  world market. Currently, the enterprise is bankrupt and has been idle  for a long time.   

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