ArmInfo.Factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh issued a statement in which they accused the Armenian authorities of inciting hatred towards the Karabakh Armenians.
The statement, signed by representatives of four factions of the Artsakh parliament, in particular, notes that the incident, which occurred on June 21 on the territory of the permanent mission of the Republic of Artsakh in Armenia, emphasized the fact that the current authorities of Armenia have crossed the line of both legal and moral values.
"This attitude towards Artsakh is a continuation of the repressions carried out a few days ago, on June 12, which proves the desire of the Armenian authorities to violate the provisions of the country's Constitution in order to maintain power. By using disproportionate force and special means against their own people, they call into question the democracy and legal system of the Republic of Armenia. Such phenomena are unacceptable and strictly condemned for us. For a long time, the RA authorities, under the guise of democracy, persecuted various groups and individual citizens of Artsakh, applying repression and discriminatory treatment to them, using the offensive term "Armenian-Karabakh". In such circumstances, we consider it appropriate to express words of gratitude to thousands of our Armenian compatriots who, despite the artificially created dividing lines, over the past nine months, in difficult days for us, have done everything to alleviate the moral, psychological and physical pain of the Artsakh Armenians. All those actions, statements and speeches that undermine public solidarity and insult the dignity of the Armenians of Artsakh, which are manifested not only through real or fake users widely distributed on social networks, but also from the rostrum of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia by representatives of the ruling political power, are dangerous and unacceptable," noted in the statement.
Its authors emphasize that the struggle for the Motherland and national dignity is the inalienable right of every citizen, of all peoples. "Therefore, we demand that the Armenian authorities refrain from dangerous manifestations that sow violence, hatred and enmity," said the statement of the factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh.