ArmInfo.Armenia's government is trying to find solutions to enable school students to continue their education in Armenia's schools on permanent basis, Armenia's Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan told reporters on Thursday.
She noted that the children of forcibly displaced residents of Nagorno-Karabakh, first of all, are placed in those schools where there are free places, which local authorities are informed about. A page has also been opened on Telegram, a channel on which emerging problems are promptly resolved. But, as the minister noted, in any case, children are admitted to schools at the place of residence of their parents, regardless of whether there are vacancies or not. "So the issue is being regulated, but there is a much bigger problem here related to the awareness of internally displaced persons," Andreasyan said, adding that there are already 14,400 children attending schools, but this figure is increasing every day. 85 teachers have also found jobs in schools, who have found employment in the regions and will receive a 30% salary increase, and in Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik and in a number of Tavush communities - a 50% increase.
She noted that in the case of kindergartens, the situation is different. For example, in Yerevan alone, about 8 thousand children are waiting in line to enter them. For this reason, purely objectively, the possibilities for accepting Karabakh children into kindergartens in the capital of Armenia are extremely limited. Moreover, we are talking about about 9 thousand preschool children. In those areas where this opportunity exists, local governments very quickly make appropriate decisions. In this matter, it is very important that the children's parents quickly find their way around their place of residence.
The minister also reminded the reporter of the scholarship program for students from Nagorno-Karabakh. They have the opportunity to continue their studies at public universities in the country; a list of universities, colleges and technical schools has already been published. We are talking about 50% of students and the same number of college students.