ArmInfo.A free man speaks clearly. A slave avloids naming his masters and calling a spade a spade, political expert Andrias Ghukasyan wrote on his Facebook account as he commented on Armenian Premier Nikol Pashinyan's statement on September 24.
"I did not hear Nikol Pashinyan saying words important for our people. A slave cannot be a leader defending his country's sovereignty. It is just foolish rallying round a slave because a person giving up his own freedom to save his own life is only too ready to sell others' freedom and dignity," Mr Ghukasyan wrote.
Speaking live on September 24, Armenia's premier stated that "Armenia's future depends on one man." "And it is me. Armenia's future depends on one man, and it is you. Armenia will be a free, sovereign and democratic state. We are moving forward on this way, respecting all our partners and expecting to be respected as well."
"The profound significance of the developments of recent years and current developments is that whether Armenia will be an independent and sovereign state or a timid province. Each citizen must make his or her own choice. As premier I am now leading the movement in defense of independence of the country. And even if I were not premier, I would follow the premier leading that movement, which would not be easy, but would ultimately be a success," Mr Pashinyan said.