ArmInfo.More than half of respondents in Armenia believe that corruption in the country has declined since the 2018 Velvet Revolution. This is evidenced by the results of the "Mountain of Shame" survey of the MPG consulting company.
Thus, in response to a relevant question, 12.7% of respondents stated that corruption in the country has unambiguously increased, 19.6% - rather increased, 43.4% - rather decreased, 16.9% - definitely decreased, another 7.4% found it difficult to answer.
At the same time, the poll participants consider the judicial system of the country to be the most corrupt branch of government. Thus, when asked on a 5-point scale to evaluate the corruption of a particular system, where 5 is the highest level of corruption and 1 is the lowest, the judicial system received 3.1 points the courts and judges are followed by legislators and MP, they received 3 points, and the executive power, headed by the prime minister, received 2.9 points.
At the same time, the respondents mentioned penitentiary institutions as the most corrupt service- 3 points. They are followed by customs services, healthcare and tax services with 2.9 points. They are followed by the educational sector and the media with 2.8 points each. Citizens consider the patrol service the most incorruptible - 2.5 points.
It should be noted that the survey was conducted through telephone calls to residents of the Republic of Armenia from February 25 to February 28 this year, the sample size was 1100, the sample error was +/- 3%.
In 2011, MPG became the official representative in Armenia of the Gallup International Association, one of the most prestigious and independent public opinion research organizations in the world. Since 2003, MPG, working in the sociological and marketing research market, has implemented more than 800 projects of various sizes.