ArmInfo. The Eurasian Development Bank (EADB) is inviting applications for the 8th Contest 'Eurasian Integration and Development-21st century'. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2022. Media reports dated from December 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022, will be considered.
Among the topics is regional economic integration, investments, production and technological cooperation, economic effects of integration processes, sustainable development, etc.
The categories include: Best coverage of topic by a news agency Best online article Best printed article Best TV report Best radio report Best article on humanitarian integration
The winners will be awarded prizes and certificates.
According to the information available on the EADB website, since the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union took effect in early 2015, the theme of Eurasian integration has acquired a qualitatively new scale. The creation of a single economic space in Eurasia has become an issue beyond purely theoretical discussion by experts. Today, it is an essential topic of the news and TV programmes, as discussions now focus on the practical aspects of the fulfilment of large-scale projects, the establishment of geopolitical unions and the paths for development - the future of the region's countries.
As an active participant in the process of regional integration, the Eurasian Development Bank understands the importance and scale of this historic event and holds annual open contests 'Eurasian Integration and Development-21st Century' for the best creative entry on Eurasian integration from journalists from the Bank's member states. We invite submissions from journalists working for information agencies, newspapers, magazines, online publications, as well TV and radio channels in the Eurasian Development Bank's countries - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.
The contest is expected to add impetus to integration processes initiated by the countries' governments and strengthen economic ties between the region's nations.
Its objective is to help to distribute objective information about integration in Eurasia and attract media and public attention to regional economic integration and cooperation between the countries.
The entries are reviewed by the expert council comprising heads of the Journalist Unions from the Bank's member states.
The contest has been held since 2015.