ArmInfo. Armenia is the fourth in the region in the list of vulnerable countries, which is threatened by global warming. Deputy Minister of the Environment Irina Ghaplanyan announced this on January 23 at a meeting of the Parliament.
According to her, the average temperature in Armenia has seriously increased by 1-3 degrees. At the same time, the amount of precipitation decreased by almost 10%. In this regard, as Irina Ghaplanyan noted, Armenia is really very vulnerable. Serious financial investments are needed to solve the existing problems.
The agency sees a solution to this problem both in cooperation with the Global Environment Facility and within the framework of the Paris Climate Agreement, which the republic has ratified. Under this agreement, developed countries are committed to mitigating the effects of global warming in developing countries.
To recall, in March last year, the deputy minister reported that the deadlines for reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere were set for Armenia, a developing state: by 2035, the republic should reduce emissions by 30%, by 2040 - by 50% and until 2045 - by 80%.