ArmInfo.Resolution No. 296 on recognition and commemoration of the Armenian Genocide continues to gain momentum.
According to the Armenian Assembly of America, on the eve of the resolution, 5 more congressmen joined. At the same time, the AAA reminds that on Monday the resolution will be put to a vote in the House of Representatives. The authors of the resolution are Congressmen Adam Schiff, Gus Bilirakis, Frank Pallone, Peter King and Jackie Speyer. "As leaders of the Congressional Committee on Armenian Issues, we are pleased that Resolution 296 on the recognition and commemoration of the Armenian Genocide will be put to the vote next week in the House of Representatives. American diplomats were eyewitnesses of the 1915-1923 Genocide, which resulted in 1.5 million Armenians were killed, as well as numerous representatives of other religious and ethnic minorities. Historical documents also testify to the fact of this genocide, "the authors of the resolution note.
At the same time, they emphasize that a lot of Americans are not aware of the first genocide of the 20th century, as well as that the United States saved countless lives. "Now that Turkey has launched an attack in northern Syria that has killed hundreds and deported hundreds of thousands of people, it is more important than ever that a clear and direct word be heard in the House of Representatives about a crime against humanity, whether it happened a century ago or "Next week, all House members can publicly and clearly state the historic fact of genocide by joining 49 US states and many of our closest allies that have already taken this important step," authors of the resolution. The AAA urged all members of Congress to support this important human rights measure and to send a strong message that the days of denial of the genocide have passed.