ArmInfo. Armenia ratified the amended agreement to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The corresponding decision was taken at the March 27 National Assembly meeting.Introducing the draft document, First Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Irina Kaplanian emphasized that the agreement was signed in the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, on October 15, 2016.
As the Deputy Minister noted, since 1990, Armenia has chosen the path of maintaining the ozone layer and reducing harmful substances in the atmosphere. This path is due not only to the alpine character of the republic, which leads to increased ultraviolet rays, but also to the global challenges that humanity has faced due to climate change. In 2010, the republic fully fulfilled its obligations under the first stage of the program, under which emissions of fluorine and chlorine hydrocarbons were significantly reduced. At present, continued Irina Kaplanian, the second phase of the program is continuing, under which it is envisaged to completely abandon the use of hydrofluorocarbons. Moreover, the second stage of the program is carried out at a faster pace.Irina Kapalanyan asserted that the agreement signed by 197 states of the world in Kigali is the fifth in a row under the Montreal Protocol. It is envisaged that as a result of its use in the world, emissions of 105 million tons of harmful substances will be reduced. It is planned that until 2100 the temperature of the air in the world will drop by 0.4%.
For Armenia, which is a developing state, the deadlines for implementing the provisions of the document are also established: by 2014, the republic should reduce emissions by 10%, by 2035 - by 30%, by 2040 - by 50% and by 2045 - by 80%.Recall that in the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, representatives of 197 states that signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer agreed to limit the production and emissions of greenhouse gases, in particular hydrofluorocarbons. Used primarily in refrigeration and air conditioning, these gases are much more dangerous for the ozone layer of the earth than the same carbon dioxide. The first in 2019, the restrictions will be introduced by the USA - the second largest state in the world in terms of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. From 2024, China will start taking measures leading to the pollution of the planet. Countries hope they can reduce global warming by half Celsius.
The deal, in which the two largest economies of the world - the USA and China - are involved, divides countries into three groups with different terms, during which they must reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons, the greenhouse effect of which is 10,000 times stronger than carbon dioxide. As part of the agreement, developed countries, including a significant part of Europe and the United States, pledge to gradually reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons, starting with a 10 percent decline by 2019, and by 2036, reaching 85%. Two more groups of developed countries will cease to increase the use of hydrofluorocarbons by 2024 and 2028, and then they will gradually reduce it. The deal, which has been joined by 197 countries, has crowned a series of measures aimed at combating climate change. In early October, the Paris Climate Agreement, concluded in 2015, reached an important threshold for ratification thanks to the support of India, Canada and the European Parliament.