ArmInfo.RUSAL, one of the world's largest aluminum producers, in the Year of the Russian Theater, implements the project RUSAL Festival # Theater in 12 cities of its presence in Russia and Armenia. The aim of the project is to promote interest in culture and theatrical art.
<RUSAL Festival # Theater> will be held from March 25 to June 5. Within the framework of the project, viewers will see 23 performances of the Moscow Art Theater School and its graduates - the <Julyansambl> theater.
Yerevan is included for the first time in the program of the theater festival of RUSAL. A partner of the project in the capital of Armenia was the Russian Stanislavsky Drama Theater, on the stage of which in early June, the guests will demonstrate two performances.
In addition to performances, the program of the project includes meetings with famous theatrical figures. Thus, in Yerevan, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, master classes will be held by the artistic director of the "July Ensambl" and the Center named after V. Meyerhold, teacher of the Moscow Art Theater School Studio, director Viktor Ryzhakov.
<The company holds a theater festival for the third time. This year we expanded the geography of the project and made the festival's program even more intense and diverse, "said Olga Sanarova, director of the public relations department of RUSAL.
The Theater Festival of RUSAL is a social project of the company. Tickets for the performances are free, distributed to cultural, educational and administrative institutions, among the representatives of theatrical environment, employees of enterprises.