ArmInfo.Ameriabank offers the use of a Visa PaySticker sticker for non-cash transactions, the advantages of which can be found here:
According to the press service of the bank, Visa PaySticker is a sticky non-contact sticker linked to the main payment card of the Electron class of the Visa payment system, allowing contactless payment using Visa Pay Wave technology to make purchases and payments. According to the report, until June 30 of this year. Visa Pay Sticker can be purchased at a special rate. In particular, customers whose card receipts in the last 3 months amounted to 1.5 million drams will receive a sticker for free. In the case of receipts in the amount of 500 thousand drams - the sticker will cost 1500 drams. Visa PaySticker can also be purchased at Ameriabank if you have a Smart account. According to the 18th issue of the analytical review "Armenian banks in the card business" prepared by ArmInfo IC, Ameriabank had 107.3 thousand cards as of October 1, 2018, most of which are internationally dominated by Visa - over 74 thousand. According to the number of active Visa cards, Ameriabank is in the TOP-5. The bank increased their number on an annualized basis by 30.1% or by 17 thousand units. For plastic transactions, the bank also entrenched in the TOP-5, providing for 9 months of 2018 a volume of 146.3 billion drams with an annual growth of 33.6%. Ameriabank leads in the number of its own POS-terminals - 2203 pcs. with an annual growth of 45.8% or 692 pcs.
Ameriabank is in the TOP-3 in terms of online card transactions - 10.7 billion drams for the first 9 months of 2018, with an annual growth of 69.8%. The bank issues and services both local ArCa cards and international Visa and MasterCard.Note that Ameriabank has been operating on the Armenian market since October 31, 1996. The shareholders of Ameribank on January 1, 2019 are the Ameria Group CY Ltd. - 56.6%, EBRD - 17.8%, Asian Development Bank - 13.98%, ESPS Holding Limited - 11.62%. The branch network of Ameriabank has 16 divisions, of which 10 are metropolitan and 6 are regional.