Lavrov: Unilateral concessions by Armenian authorities make Armenia`s  borders undefined
 Friday, April 19 2024, 16:03

ArmInfo.Russia still considers Armenia its ally. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated in an interview with Sputnik, Moscow Speaks and Komsomolskaya Pravda radio stations in response to a request to tell how things stand in relations with Armenia.

Russian MP Konstantin Zatulin responds to Armenia`s ex-premier 
 Friday, April 19 2024, 12:37

ArmInfo. Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Konstantin Zatulin responded to an open letter from  the Chairman of the Karabakh Committee, the first Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia (1992-1993) Vazgen Manukyan.

Bipartisan, Bicameral Coalition of U.S. legislators calls for  American leadership to secure justice Justice for Artsakh and  Armenian Genocide
 Thursday, April 18 2024, 17:21

ArmInfo. Twenty U.S. legislators - Democrats and Republicans, from the U.S. House and  Senate - joined together Wednesday evening at a landmark gathering in  the U.S. Capitol dedicated to justice for Artsakh (2023) and the  Armenian Genocide (1915), reported the Armenian National Committee of  America (ANCA).  

Zakharova reminds Azerbaijani journalist about Armenians who left  Azerbaijan in late 1980s 
 Thursday, April 18 2024, 16:01

ArmInfo. Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, reminded the  Azerbaijani journalist about the Armenians who left Azerbaijan in the late 1980s, in response to the journalist's attempt to connect the issue of the return of Artsakh citizens expelled from their homes to Nagorno Karabakh with the issue of the return of Azerbaijanis to the territory of Armenia.

Military correspondent Kotenok: We are leaving Artsakh, which no  longer exists
 Thursday, April 18 2024, 15:55

ArmInfo. We are leaving Artsakh, which no longer exists. There is no one else to pacify in Karabakh - Azerbaijan got what it wanted, having been preparing revenge for decades. Famous Russian journalist - war correspondent, analyst and blogger Yuri Kotenok wrote on his Telegram channel. As a journalist who supports  the principle of the people's right to self-determination, Kotenok covered the course of the second Karabakh war, during which he was seriously wounded and barely survived.

Karasin: withdrawal of RPC from Nagorno-Karabakh is logical  consequence of Pashinyan`s recognition of this territory as part of  Azerbaijan
 Wednesday, April 17 2024, 18:11

ArmInfo. The withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers (RPC) from Nagorno-Karabakh is a logical  consequence of Pashinyan's recognition of this territory as part of Azerbaijan. This was stated by the head of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Grigory Karasin.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan refutes statements attributed to PM during his  visit to Tavush
 Wednesday, April 17 2024, 18:06

ArmInfo. During his visit to the Tavush region, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan also held a  meeting with residents of the Kirants and Berkaber communities. The Prime Minister's spokesperson Nazeli Baghdasaryan officially denied the statements attributed to the head of the Cabinet during the visit.

Member of Armenian delegation to PACE: historic, cultural and  religious heritage of Armenian people in Nagorno Karabakh cannot be  lost, and this issue shall not be abandoned
 Wednesday, April 17 2024, 17:18

ArmInfo.The delegation of the National Assembly to PACE takes part in the work of the Second part  of the Annual Session of the Assembly going on in Strasbourg, the press service of the RA NA reports.  At April 16 meeting the member of the NA delegation to PACE Armen Gevorgyan gave a speech during the  debate on the Application by Kosovo for membership to the Council of Europe.

Pashinyan decided to communicate with Voskepar residents again
 Wednesday, April 17 2024, 16:21

ArmInfo.RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, at a meeting with residents of the village of Voskepar,  Tavush region of Armenia, presented details of the negotiation process with Azerbaijan. This was reported by the Prime Minister's spokesperson Nazeli Baghdasaryan.  According to her, Pashinyan told local residents about the current situation during the delimitation process and answered questions.

Iranian ambassador advises collective West to stop trying to involve  Armenia in its geopolitical games
 Tuesday, April 16 2024, 17:54

ArmInfo. A number of European embassies in Yerevan are planting one-sided narratives in Armenian  society in connection with Iran's retaliatory actions against Israel on the night of April 13. Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani stated on April 16 at a press conference in Yerevan, referring to  Iran's retaliatory actions against Israel after the Israeli strike on the Iranian diplomatic facility in Damascus.

Armenia, Azerbaijan start debate on Armenia v Azerbaijan case at ICJ
 Tuesday, April 16 2024, 14:41

ArmInfo.Armenia and Azerbaijan have started debate on the Armenia v Azerbaijan case at the International  Court of Justice. 

Freedom House signals decline of Armenia`s democracy score
 Friday, April 12 2024, 15:22

ArmInfo.Armenia's democracy score dropped from 3.11 points to 3.07 points. Thus, Armenia is ranked 35th on a 100-point system, The ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 representing the highest level of democratic progress and 1 the lowest.  This is evidenced by the data of the annual Nations in Transit2024 report by the international human rights organization Freedom House.

Azerbaijan`s military continues to threaten Armenia`s existence -  Freedom House 
 Friday, April 12 2024, 11:45

ArmInfo. To counter the gains that authoritarians have made over the last 20 years, democratic  governments must broaden their approach to democracy promotion.

In 2020-2023, Yerevan allocated $1.3 billion to Stepanakert
 Thursday, April 11 2024, 21:10

ArmInfo.In 2020-2023, the Armenian government allocated 538 billion drams or $1.3 billion, to  Nagorno-Karabakh, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on April 11 in parliament.

Deportation or ethnic cleansing? US has no clear assessment of what  happened in Artsakh, Ambassador Kvien says
 Thursday, April 11 2024, 18:21

ArmInfo.The United States continues to work to collect facts in connection with what happened  in Nagorno-Karabakh. The information received has not yet become a report, so there is nothing to report yet. US Ambassador to Armenia Kristina Kvien stated this in an interview with the RFE/RL's Armenian  Service when asked to tell whether the fact-finding report on Artsakh, which the State Department promised to prepare, is ready.

Armenian authorities are investigating whether maps were once  provided to UN for publication
 Wednesday, April 10 2024, 17:29

ArmInfo.An official investigation is underway in Armenia into the issue of Yerevan sending maps to the  UN, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during government hour in parliament on April 10.

Committee for Protection of Fundamental Rights of People of Artsakh  demands end to violation of Artsakh residents` rights by Azerbaijan 
 Tuesday, April 9 2024, 14:41

ArmInfo.The Committee for the Protection of Fundamental Rights of the People of Artsakh issued a  statement in connection with the repeated violation of the rights of Artsakh people by Azerbaijan. The statement notes that on March 8, 2024, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree appointing a  judge and chairman of the city court of Stepanakert, the capital of the occupied Artsakh Republic.

Non-stop "re-upbringing" and unrealistic hopes: Political scientist  on Armenia - Europe - USA relations 
 Monday, April 8 2024, 16:05

ArmInfo. The relatively modest amounts of "support" announced in Brussels should not be misleading.  A similar opinion was expressed by political observer, expert of the Foundation for Strategic Culture (FSC), member of the Club of Friends of the Gorchakov Foundation Andrey Areshev in his article on FSC.

Samantha Power: USAID will continue close cooperation with Armenia
 Friday, April 5 2024, 16:00

ArmInfo.RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a meeting with Samantha Power, Administrator of the US  Agency for International Development, at the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Belgium.

Time has come to write new chapter in EU-Armenia relations: Ursula  von der Leyen announces EUR 270 million financial aid package to  Armenia
 Friday, April 5 2024, 15:22

ArmInfo.Brussels is ready to provide Armenia with an additional EUR 270 million in grants over the  next 4 years for economic development, in particular supporting small and medium-sized businesses, as well as infrastructure development. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stated at a joint  briefing with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.
