Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine CJSC will appeal to the law  enforcement agencies of Armenia in connection with Pashinyan`s  statements
 Wednesday, June 16 2021, 17:34

ArmInfo. Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine CJSC intends to apply to the law  enforcement agencies of Armenia in connection with the statements  made by the acting Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia,  candidate for prime minister from the "Civil Contract" party Nikol  Pashinyan against the company and defend their rights in national and  international instances.  

Serzh Sarsgian`s nephew was imprisoned
 Wednesday, June 16 2021, 14:03

ArmInfo.Narek Sargsyan, the nephew of the third president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, was imprisoned for illegal drug trafficking and possession of weapons.

Ararat Mirzoyan confirmed his cooperation with Armenian special  services
 Tuesday, June 15 2021, 13:39

ArmInfo. Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan confirmed his  cooperation with the Armenian special services. In an interview with  RFE/RL's Armenian Service, answering the relevant question, he noted  that a lot of time has passed since this information was  disseminated, but there was no opportunity to touch upon this issue.

The expert invites all the presidents of Armenia to gather in  Stepanakert on the day of Erdogan`s visit to Shushi
 Monday, June 14 2021, 11:09

ArmInfo.Inaction never contributes to security. This point of view was expressed by the  adviser to the President of Armenia, political scientist Tevan Poghosyan.  At the same time, he stated that the word security has become very fashionable, but its meaning, perception and implementation are absent.

Poll: Credit of trust in the "Civil Contract" party is gradually  decreasing
 Friday, June 11 2021, 17:01

ArmInfo. Credit of trust to acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's "Civil Contract" party is  gradually decreasing. This is evidenced by the results of a survey by  the MPG (Marketing Professional Group) consulting company, which  represents the Gallup International Association in Armenia.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan:  UN recognizes all post-Soviet countries within  the borders in which they were part of the USSR
 Thursday, June 10 2021, 17:09

ArmInfo. The UN recognizes all post-Soviet countries within the boundaries in which they were part of the Soviet Union. This was stated on June 10 at a press conference  in Yerevan by first president of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan,  answering the question of how acceptable the recognition of the  Soviet borders is for Armenia and what it is fraught with, including  for the future of Artsakh.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan on the rat race and the creation of a coalition  with Kocharian and Sargsyan
 Thursday, June 10 2021, 17:07

ArmInfo. Rat race, camp change. This is how the first president of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, commented on the transition of such prominent supporters of the  Armenian National Congress as Vladimir Karapetyan and Gagik  Jhangiryan to the camp of the current authorities.  It should be  reminded that in the spring of this year, the former military  prosecutor of Armenia Gagik Jhangiryan was elected a member of the  Supreme Judicial Council at the suggestion of the authorities. And  Vladimir Karapetyan weeks earlier headed the Armenian diplomatic  mission in Ukraine.

Opinion: The record made public  by Sargsyan confirms that by 2018,  Armenian diplomacy drove Aliyev into a corner on the Karabakh issue
 Thursday, June 10 2021, 11:49

ArmInfo.The record about Nikol Pashinyan, made public by third President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, testifies to the fact that by 2018 Armenian diplomacy had driven  Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev "into a corner" on the issue of  the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement.  Military expert, coordinator of the analytical portal Karen Vrtanesyan shares this opinion.

The day given by Serzh Sargsyan has not yet expired: Harutyunyan  comments on the ultimatum to Pashinyan
 Wednesday, June 9 2021, 12:53

ArmInfo.The day given by the third president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan to acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has not yet expired. Let's wait for the appointed hour.  

Armenia`s Ombudsman criticized the political forces speculating on  the issue of prisoners of war during the election campaign
 Wednesday, June 9 2021, 12:12

ArmInfo.Armenian Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan criticized the political forces speculating on the issue of prisoners of war during the election campaign.  Thus,  Tatoyan's statement indicates the inadmissibility of speculation  during the election campaign on the return of Armenian prisoners  illegally detained in Azerbaijan, especially talking about their  exchange with other people and expressing readiness for exchange.

Political pragmatism will become a key component of the ANC electoral  program
 Monday, June 7 2021, 18:53

ArmInfo.Political pragmatism will become a key component of the pre-election program of the Armenian National Committee of Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Deputy Chairman of the ANC Levon Zurabyan stated this on June 7 at the presentation  of the party's program.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan on upcoming elections and reasons for refusing to  debate with Pashinyan
 Monday, June 7 2021, 17:58

ArmInfo.A very explosive situation has developed in Armenia, these elections will be the most shameful and explosive. On June 7, during the presentation of the  program of the Armenian National Congress, leader of the ANC, first  president of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan stated this.

RPA reminded Pashinyan under whose rule large arms contracts were  signed, the supplies of which were made in 2018-2020
 Monday, June 7 2021, 17:53

ArmInfo.RPA reminded acting Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan under whose rule large arms contracts were concluded, the lion's share of  supplies of which came in 2018-2020.

Nikol Pashinyan: On June 20, the people of Armenia must make their  judgment over the former and current authorities
 Monday, June 7 2021, 17:49

ArmInfo.On June 20, the people of Armenia are to complete their judgment over Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Robert Kocharian, Serzh Sargsyan and Nikol Pashinyan.  This was  announced on June 7 by acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol  Pashinyan during his election campaign in the Armavir region in the  city of Echmiadzin. In this context, he stressed that he is ready for  any outcome and any decision of citizens.

Serzh Sargsyan: A divided nation is unable to support the army and  become a pillar that ensures security
 Monday, June 7 2021, 10:51

ArmInfo.The third president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, named the omissions of his team during his time in power.

Serzh Sargsyan spoke out against the provision of a corridor through  the territory of Armenia
 Thursday, June 3 2021, 15:29

ArmInfo. The third president of Armenia, leader of the Republican Party of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, at a meeting with supporters of the "I Have the Honor" bloc in Masis,  spoke about the issue of providing a corridor through the territory  of the Republic of Armenia.  So, answering the relevant question, he  in particular said: "I am not aware of this corridor. We cannot give  a corridor to anyone. How can we give a corridor, why to give a  corridor?"

Serzh Sargsyan: The Armenian army was not defeated in this war, it  was led to defeat
 Wednesday, June 2 2021, 10:04

ArmInfo.I am 67 years old, and during this time I saw everything:  the war, the horrific scenes of the death of friends, I talked with the parents who lost two or three  sons, I saw everything, and it seemed to me that I could no longer be  surprised at something or cry. The third President of Armenia, leader  of the Republican Party of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan stated this at a  meeting with supporters of the "I Have the Honor" bloc in Masis.

Robert Kocharian on the reasons for participating in the elections,  the need to cut the powers of the Prime Minister and the war in  Nagorno-Karabakh
 Tuesday, June 1 2021, 14:04

ArmInfo.The second president of Armenia, Robert Kocharian, in an interview with RBC, told why he decided to compete with Nikol Pashinyan in the elections, why the  powers of the prime minister need to be curtailed, and what resulted  in the war in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Poll: More than 70% of respondents in Armenia are going to  participate in the upcoming early elections
 Saturday, May 29 2021, 16:00

ArmInfo.In Armenia, 57.3% of respondents stated that they will definitely take part in the upcoming June 20 early parliamentary elections. This is evidenced by  the results of the next poll, prepared by the consulting company MPG  (Marketing Professional Group), which represents the Gallup  International Association in Armenia.

Politician: Pashinyan should not sign any documents before the  elections
 Wednesday, May 26 2021, 13:37

ArmInfo. In the event of the continuing growth of the Azerbaijani military presence on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, the cancellation of the early  parliamentary elections in Armenia is by no means excluded. A similar  opinion was expressed to ArmInfo by the head of the "Bright Armenia"  parliamentary faction Edmon Marukyan.
