Zakharova: Preparations for next Russian-Azerbaijani contacts  regarding RPC`s activities in Nagorno- Karabakh continue
 Wednesday, February 14 2024, 17:49

ArmInfo.Preparations for the next Russian-Azerbaijani contacts regarding the activities of the  Russian peacekeeping contingent (RPC) in Nagorno-Karabakh continue. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, stated on February 14 during a weekly briefing.

Before Putin`s possible visit to Yerevan, Russia should receive  certain guarantees from Armenian side - Kremlin
 Monday, February 12 2024, 14:51

ArmInfo.Before the possible visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Armenia,  certain assurances are needed from Armenian partners in connection with Yerevan's accession to the ICC. Russian President Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated in a conversation with Russian media  representativees.

Russian Deputy FM considers it important `to create conditions for  safe return of those Artsakh people who want to do so`
 Saturday, February 10 2024, 13:40

ArmInfo.The issue of extending the powers of the Russian peacekeeping contingent (RPC) in Nagorno-Karabakh after November 2025 will depend on the situation in the region, the demand for their continued presence and relevant agreements with Baku. Deputy Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Mikhail Galuzin stated in an interview with TASS.

Kremlin: Armenia`s membership in ICC is its sovereign right
 Thursday, February 1 2024, 18:07

ArmInfo. Armenia's membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC) is the sovereign  right of this country. According to Russian media sources, this was stated during a briefing by Russian President spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Rome Statute of International Criminal Court officially enters into  force for Armenia on February 1 - French Ambassador
 Thursday, February 1 2024, 18:06

ArmInfo. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court officially entered into force for  Armenia on February 1, which thus becomes the 124th participating state.Ambassador of France to Armenia, Olivier Decottignies, wrote on his Twitter page (X).

Zakharova on Armenia-NATO rapprochement prospects: West makes  promises to everyone
 Wednesday, January 31 2024, 16:37

ArmInfo. Moscow commented on the prospects for rapprochement between Armenia and NATO. Thus, on  January 31, during a briefing, spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, when asked to comment on the remarks of NATO Special Representative for the Caucasus Javier Colomina about the desire of the North Atlantic Alliance to continue to bring closer relations with Armenia, in particular, said:

Russia condemns act of vandalism near World War II memorial in  Armenia - MFA
 Wednesday, January 31 2024, 10:06

ArmInfo. Earlier on Tuesday, a video posted on the social network TikTok showed one of its users,  Samvel Shirinyan, ripping ribbons symbolizing the Russian flag off the monument and stomping on them. 

Russian Embassy is deeply outraged by cynical provocation at monument  to Children of Siege Leningrad and hopes that perpetrators to be  brought to justice
 Tuesday, January 30 2024, 15:43

ArmInfo. We are deeply outraged by the cynical provocation at the monument to the Children of Siege Leningrad, the Russian Embassy in Armenia commented over the act of vandalism over the abovementioned monument in Yerevan.

Russian foreign office spokesperson critical of Armenian FM 
 Friday, January 26 2024, 21:01

ArmInfo. During the weekly briefing, the head of the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, criticized the "content and tone" of the final press conference of Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, expressing regret about this.

Presence of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh no longer  concerns the Armenian side - Russian FM 
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 13:48

ArmInfo. The issue of the presence of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh no longer concerns the Armenian side, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov stated in New York, answering a question about the future the Russian peacekeepers and the Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization.

Nagorno-Karabakh status` issue is closed by Pashinyan personally -  Russian FM
 Thursday, January 18 2024, 16:55

ArmInfo.The issue of the status of Nagorno-Karabakh has been closed personally by the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated oon January 18 at a press conference on the results of the activities of the Russian Foreign Ministry in 2023.

Lavrov: Contrary to agreements, Russia was not invited to  Armenian-Azerbaijani border demarcation commission meetings 
 Thursday, January 18 2024, 15:55

ArmInfo. It is very sad that such a practically beneficial thing as opening a route through the Syunik region still remains unfulfilled. And the reason is Yerevan's position.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated on January 18 at a press conference on the results of the activities of the Russian Foreign Ministry in 2023, answering a question about the progress of the process of normalizing relations between Baku and  Yerevan.

Lavrov:  Zangezur Corridor was never discussed within trilateral  agreements between leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia
 Thursday, January 18 2024, 15:53

ArmInfo. The "Zangezur Corridor" was never discussed within the framework of trilateral agreements between the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated on January 18 at a press conference on the results of the activities of the Russian Foreign Ministry in 2023, when asked to comment on the latest dispute between Baku and Yerevan, including on the so-called Zangezur corridor.

Zakharova: It was at summits in Prague and Brussels under auspices of   EU that Armenian side recognized Nagorno-Karabakh as part of  Azerbaijan
 Friday, January 12 2024, 16:41

ArmInfo.Any assessments about progress, regression or stagnation in the negotiations by official Yerevan are the absolute prerogative of this state. This was stated by spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria  Zakharova during a briefing on January 12, when asked to evaluate the statement of Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan about a certain regression in the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations.

Moscow doesn`t see ethnic cleansing in Artsakh, but is ready to  facilitate return of Armenian population to their homes
 Friday, January 12 2024, 14:12

ArmInfo.Moscow says that the assurances of Armenian politicians that Russian peacekeepers  silently observed ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh are destructive and untrue.

Armenia`s security chief to attend next meeting on Ukrainian Peace  Formula 
 Thursday, January 11 2024, 14:04

ArmInfo. Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan will pay a working visit  to Switzerland.

Armenia not alone in investigating war crimes - minister 
 Monday, January 8 2024, 12:07

ArmInfo. Armenia is not alone in the issue of investigations of war crimes, and has the opportunity  to involve international prosecutors and representatives of law enforcement agencies in this work, Armenia's Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan told reporters on January 8 as he commented on the need to apply the Roman Statute in investigating international crimes. 

Russian peacekeepers to stay in Nagorno-Karabakh until Nov 2025 - Azerbaijani FM
 Friday, December 29 2023, 09:54

ArmInfo. Russian  peacekeepers' term of stay in Azerbaijan's Karabakh is envisaged  until November 2025, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov  said at a press conference on the results of 2023, Trend reports.

Zakharova: We see attempts by external forces to draw Yerevan into even greater dangerous geopolitical games
 Wednesday, December 27 2023, 14:13

ArmInfo. The past year has been very difficult for many countries, including Armenia.  Spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated on Wednesday during a weekly briefing.

Russia`s interaction with Armenia within EAEU is based on pragmatic, mutual benefits - Zakharova
 Wednesday, December 27 2023, 13:13

ArmInfo. Russia's interaction with the Armenian side within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is based on pragmatic, mutual benefits. Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, stated during the briefing on Wednesday, clarifying whether Moscow has any concerns regarding Armenia's chairmanship in the EAEU, considering the tensions that periodically arise in Armenian-Russian relations.
