Power belongs to people - Ruben Rubinyan 
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 13:31

ArmInfo. The opposition in the National Assembly of Armenia did not raise the issue of a vote of no  confidence in the government and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, presenting only a draft parliamentary message. Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Ruben  Rubinyan stated this on June 11 in a conversation with journalists.

 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 13:30


Iran says no to plans of Baku and Ankara to change South Caucasus   demography 
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 13:21

ArmInfo. Iran said no to Baku and Ankara's plans to change the demographic appearance of the South  Caucasus. This point of view was expressed by orientalist Sergei Melkonyan.

Armenia-Azerbaijan peace agreement could be signed even tomorrow -  Ruben Rubinyan 
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 13:20

ArmInfo.The completion of the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan is near. Vice Speaker of  the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan told reporters about this on June 11.

Tavush for Motherland movement leader calls for gathering in front of  Armenian Parliament 
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 13:19

ArmInfo.. Bagrat Galstanyan has called on citizens to gather at 15:00 at the building of the National  Assembly, since a meeting of the RA National Assembly Council will take place at 16:00.

 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 12:26


MP calls on opposition to give up "self-deception"
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 12:24

ArmInfo.Organizing an extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly of Armenia is the responsibility of the ruling faction represented by the Civil Contract party.  Secretary of the opposition faction "Armenia" Artsvik Minasyan stated this on June 11 from the rostrum of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.

Armenian authorities` policy based on lies and falsifications -  opposition MP
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 12:23

ArmInfo. The current authorities of Armenia base their policy on lies and falsifications.  This was stated on June 11 from the rostrum of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia by NA deputy from the opposition "Armenia" faction Artur Khachatryan.

Armenian FM delivers opening remarks at start of Capstone meeting of  Armenia-US Strategic Dialogue
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 12:22

ArmInfo.At the start of the Capstone meeting of the Armenia-US Strategic Dialogue, the Minister  of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia gave opening remarks:

Armenian designers to take part in White Milano exhibition
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 12:20

ArmInfo.Armenian clothing and accessory designers will take part in the international fashion exhibition in Milan, Italy - White Milano (  This was reported by the press service of the Fashion and Design Chamber of Armenia (FDC).

 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 11:15


 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 11:05


Armenia`s deputy FM to represent Armenia at Ukraine Recovery  Conference 
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 10:24

ArmInfo.Armenia's deputy FM will take part in the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Germany,  June 11-12, 2024, Ani Badalyan, Spokesperson for Armenia's MFA, told RFE/RL. 

Russian ambassador to Armenia back in Yerevan 
 Tuesday, June 11 2024, 09:57

ArmInfo.Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin has already returned to Yerevan. This was  stated by Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galuzin.

Favorable conditions created for Azerbaijan ruler to get all he wants  - Vitaly Balasanyan 
 Monday, June 10 2024, 20:30

ArmInfo.Very favorable conditions have been created for the person sitting at the helm of power in Azerbaijan in order to quickly get everything possible from this weak, incompetent leader of Armenia.

Protesters to spend night in Baghramyan avenue 
 Monday, June 10 2024, 20:15

ArmInfo. The leader of the Tavush for the Motherland movement, Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan,  said that the protesters would remain on Baghramyan Avenue at night.

New cooling in Armenian-Russian relations  
 Monday, June 10 2024, 20:13

ArmInfo. Armenian-Russian relations are experiencing a new round of cooling. The next reason  for this was not the visit of the Armenian delegation to the Ukrainian city of Bucha, but the official statements made there by a mediocre Armenian official, the head of the Yerevan administrative district of Nor-Nork, Tigran Margaryan, addressed to Russia. The latter, representing a local government body, arrogated to itself the  right to broadcast on behalf of the state, declaring that "Armenia stands in solidarity with Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression."

 Monday, June 10 2024, 19:01


Armenian NA speaker hosts U.S. Ambassador Armenia 
 Monday, June 10 2024, 19:00

ArmInfo. The RA NA President Alen Simonyan received the U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and  Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Armenia Kristina Kvien.

 Monday, June 10 2024, 18:54

