Armenia`s Ministry of Defense refutes Azerbaijan`s disinformation
 Monday, April 8 2024, 13:04

ArmInfo.The statement of the Ministry of Defence of Azerbaijan that the units of the Armed Forces  of the Republic of Armenia opened fire towards Azerbaijani combat positions in the southwestern part of the border at 5:15 p.m. on April 7th doesn't correspond to reality.

Armenian Foreign Ministry calls on Azerbaijan to stop actions  aimed  at escalation
 Saturday, April 6 2024, 14:23

ArmInfo. The provocative actions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the night of April  5-6 have no excuse. By opening irregular fire on numerous sections of the border and moving dozens of military vehicles, Azerbaijan has clearly pursued a provocative goal: to incite the units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia to take countermeasures in order to obtain facts that would "substantiate" the recent Azerbaijani disinformation. This is stated in a statement by the Armenian Foreign Ministry.

Azerbaijan creates artificial grounds for military aggression against  Armenia - Arman Tatoyan 
 Tuesday, March 26 2024, 11:35

ArmInfo.Armenia's former Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan posted the following message on  his Facebook account: 

Armenia strongly condemns inhumane crime against civilians -  country`s leadership expresses condolences to Putin
 Saturday, March 23 2024, 11:08

ArmInfo. The leaders of Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan sent a telegram of condolences to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in connection with the terrorist attack in Moscow.

Armenian Foreign Ministry expresses condolences over terrorist attack  in Russia
 Friday, March 22 2024, 23:56

ArmInfo. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia expresses condolences over the terrorist  attack at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow. 

Moscow: Stoltenberg`s visit to South Caucasus is another attempt to  bring South Caucasian republics into Euro-Atlantic influence zone 
 Wednesday, March 20 2024, 14:49

ArmInfo.The visit of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to the South Caucasus is a manifestation of another attempt to bring the South Caucasian republics into the zone of Euro-Atlantic influence. This was stated on March 20 during a weekly briefing by official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in response to a request to comment on the tour of the NATO Secretary General to the  countries of the South Caucasus.

Russia failed to honor security commitments, so Armenia seeks to  diversify its partnerships in field of security - Olivier  Decottignies
 Wednesday, March 6 2024, 12:46

ArmInfo.Below is an interview by French Ambassador to Armenia Olivier Decottignies.

National Security Service of Armenia assures: Russian border guards  do not interfere with EUMA activities on any section of  Armenian-Azerbaijani border
 Friday, February 23 2024, 19:39

ArmInfo. The National Security Service of Armenia, unlike the Secretary of the Security  Council, claims that Russian border guards do not interfere with the activities of the EU monitoring mission (EUMA) on any section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.  As the RFE/RL's Armenian Service  reports, they asked the NSS whether the EU observation mission has access to the border areas where Russian border guards are currently deployed.

Armenian Ministry of Defense refutes another Azerbaijani  disinformation
 Friday, February 23 2024, 16:31

ArmInfo. The report by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense which claims that on February 23, units of the Armenian Armed Forces allegedly opened fire on Azerbaijani positions located in the eastern part of the border zone does not correspond to reality. This is stated in the statement of the Armenian Ministry of Defense.

"Azerbaijan is preparing an attack on Armenia," says Armenian Prime  Minister
 Friday, February 23 2024, 10:44

ArmInfo. In an exclusive interview with France 24, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian baijani President Ilham Aliev - which the latter described as "constructive" - Nikol Pashinian believes that the promises of a peaceful resolution of the crisis between the two countries are belied on the ground by the actions from Azerbaijan

Armenian Security Council Sec reproaches Russia for inaction during  clash on Armenian-Azerbaijani border
 Wednesday, February 21 2024, 18:47

ArmInfo. Armenian Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan reproaches Russia for inaction during the clash on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. 

Arman Tatoyan visits Nerkin Hand to conduct fact-finding work after  another provocation by Azerbaijani AF
 Friday, February 16 2024, 18:06

ArmInfo. Director of the Tatoyan Foundation, former Ombudsman of Armenia Arman Tatoyan visited  the Syunik region,to the village of Nerkin Hand, to conduct fact-finding work after another provocation by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. This is stated in a statement by the Foundation.

Armenian Ministry of Defense refutes Azerbaijani disinformation
 Friday, February 16 2024, 16:47

ArmInfo.The Armenian Ministry of Defense denied Azerbaijani disinformation about violation  of the ceasefire.

Tatoyan criticizes Pashinyan: Armenian Armed Forces protect lives of  our people every minute and their actions are initially legitimate
 Thursday, February 15 2024, 17:52

ArmInfo. Former Armenian Ombudsman, head of the Tatoyan Foundation Arman Tatoyan sharply criticized today's statement by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at a government meeting regarding the fact that any Armenian soldier who violates the order not to respond to the Azerbaijani provocation will be held legally accountable.

Mark Libby comments on recent tensions on Armenian-Azerbaijani border
 Thursday, February 15 2024, 17:42

ArmInfo.U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby commented on the recent tensions on the  Armenian-Azerbaijani border

Baku continues policy of military coercion toward Yerevan - Armenian  premier 
 Thursday, February 15 2024, 11:40

ArmInfo.Chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, a regular Cabinet meeting took place.

Expert: small clashes could lead to new conflict and fateful  consequences for entire South Caucasus region
 Wednesday, February 14 2024, 17:50

ArmInfo. As in Ukraine, so in the South Caucasus, 2024 will be a critical year, and one that will also test European decisionmakers. Thomas de Waal, a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, specializing in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, wrote in his article published on the website of the Carnegie Endowment.

Azerbaijani MFA accuses EU top diplomat Borrell of pro-Armenian  stance
 Wednesday, February 14 2024, 12:12

ArmInfo. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has accused EU High Representative for Foreign  Affairs and Security Policy Joseph Borrel of a pro-Armenian stance. 

Iran concerned over escalating tensions between Armenia, Azerbaijan 
 Wednesday, February 14 2024, 11:09

ArmInfo. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has expressed concern about the  escalating tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia, asking the two countries to refrain from upping the ante and instead engage in dialogue. 

Azerbaijan`s latest military operation attempt to pressure Armenia 
 Wednesday, February 14 2024, 11:08

ArmInfo.Azerbaijan's military operation on the border is an attempt to put pressure on  Armenia, the Vice-Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Konstantin Zatulin, told as he commented on the latest escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan. 
