RA NA delegate to PACE: `Zero tolerance approach towards torture  should be the only option for our Assembly`
 Friday, January 26 2024, 11:08

ArmInfo.The member of the RA NA delegation to PACE Vladimir Vardanyan gave a speech at the Assembly Session.

Former RA Ombudsman: Azerbaijan is deepening its plan to occupy  Armenia with concrete steps 
 Friday, January 26 2024, 11:04

ArmInfo.Yesterday on governmental Baku TV, the ancient Armenian Harichavank Monastery located in Armenia's Shirak province was presented as a Turkish-Christian cultural heritage of the 5th century belonging to Azerbaijan.

Armenian authorities do not consider danger of losing city of Jermuk  as resort of int`l significance - NGOs declare
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 21:37

ArmInfo. A group of public organizations and residents of the city of Jermuk opposed the  possible development of the Amulsar gold mine.

Armenia to transfer 8 new maps in Artsakh minefields to Azerbaijan
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 21:34

ArmInfo. Armenia will transfer 8 new maps of minefields in Artsakh to Azerbaijan, copies will be  transferred to international partners, the National Security Service (NSS) of the Republic of Armenia reports.

Official Baku considers procedure for Azerbaijan`s withdrawal from  CoE
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 16:45

ArmInfo.Official Baku intends to adequately respond to the decision of the Parliamentary  Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) not to approve the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation, APA reports.

Due to police pressure, I left country and requested political asylum  - Narine Hayrapetyan
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 16:44

ArmInfo. A member of the "Mother Armenia" faction in the Council of Elders of Yerevan, Narine  Hayrapetyan (Nare Sose), made a video message and spoke about the reasons for her departure from the country.

Presence of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh no longer  concerns the Armenian side - Russian FM 
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 13:48

ArmInfo. The issue of the presence of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh no longer concerns the Armenian side, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov stated in New York, answering a question about the future the Russian peacekeepers and the Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization.

PACE resolves not to ratify Azerbaijan`s credentials, citing failure  to fulfill `major commitments`
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 13:47

ArmInfo.The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has resolved not to ratify the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation, which were challenged on the opening day of the session, concluding that the country has "not fulfilled major commitments" stemming from its joining the Council of Europe 20 years ago.

Armenia to have military attaches to Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 13:43

ArmInfo.Armenia will have military attach‚s to the Czech Republic and Kyrgyzstan. The Armenian  government made such a decision at Thursday's Cabinet meeting.

Russian political scientist on key issues on US South Caucasus agenda 
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 13:40

ArmInfo. It is Russia, Turkey and Iran rather than Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia, that are on the USA's "foreign policy radar," Russian political scientist Sergey Markedonov said.  

Armenian courts considering five cases related to ban on entry into  country - Artsvik Minasyan
 Thursday, January 25 2024, 13:34

ArmInfo.It is unclear on what basis the office of the Prime Minister of Armenia has personal  data of citizens, when this is the exclusive prerogative of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia. Artsvik Minasyan, secretary of the Armenia opposition faction of the RA National Assembly stated at a press conference on January 25, commenting on the court's decision to oblige the National Security  Service to remove data on Mourad Papazian and Masis Abrahamyan from the list of foreigners considered 'undesirable' on the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Conference on preservation of cultural and spiritual heritage of  Nagorno-Karabakh was held in Brussels
 Wednesday, January 24 2024, 22:36

ArmInfo.On January 24, a conference entitled "Preservation of the cultural and spiritual heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh", organized at the initiative of the European Parliament, was held in Brussels. This was reported by the  Office of the Mother See of Etchmiadzin.

Content of PACE resolution on limitation of Azerbaijan`s powers in  organization already known
 Wednesday, January 24 2024, 16:31

ArmInfo.In the evening of 24 January in Strasbourg will be adopted a resolution suggesting  limiting the powers of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Council of Europe, Turan reports.

If NATO does not collapse in foreseeable future chroniclers will call  this January day historic - Russian expert 
 Wednesday, January 24 2024, 14:35

ArmInfo. If NATO does not collapse in the foreseeable future (as many domestic commentators predict), then the chroniclers of the Alliance (and simply propagandists of the North Atlantic brotherhood) will call this January day historic, Russian political scientist Sergei Markedonov said as he commented on the ratification by the Grand National Assembly (Parliament) of Turkey at the General Assembly of the protocol on the admission of Sweden to NATO.

History of Armenian state insignificant part of history of Armenians  - Vazgen Manukyan
 Wednesday, January 24 2024, 14:33

ArmInfo.The path chosen by the RA government is doomed to failure, because it contradicts both the national aspirations of the Armenian people, formed over thousands of years, and today's global development trends, reads an article by the first Prime Minister of post-Soviet Armenia, leader of the National Democratic Union party Vazgen Manukyan.

Symbols of thousand-year-old Armenian presence under threat of  disappearance - Terrasanta
 Wednesday, January 24 2024, 10:44

ArmInfo. After tens of thousands of Armenians fled from Nagorno Karabakh taken by Azerbaijani troops last September, now the churches, the crosses, the symbols of a thousand-year-old Armenian and Christian presence are also under the threat of disappearance, reads an article by Elisa Pinna posted on

Plot with area of 140 sq.m. in center of Yerevan is rented for only  AMD 56.000:  Prosecutor`s office opens criminal proceedings
 Tuesday, January 23 2024, 15:31

ArmInfo.The Armenian Prosecutor's Office has opened criminal proceedings regarding the rental of premises in the center of Yerevan at clearly reduced prices. According to preliminary data, around 877 million drams of  damage was caused to the community.

Credentials of Azerbaijani delegation to PACE challenged 
 Tuesday, January 23 2024, 11:44

ArmInfo.The credentials of Azerbaijan's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council  of Europe (PACE) have been challenged on substantive grounds on the opening day of the 2024 winter plenary session, PACE reports. 

Member of Mother Armenia bloc faction of Yerevan Council of Elders  was kidnapped
 Monday, January 22 2024, 15:55

ArmInfo.A member of the "Mother Armenia" bloc faction of the Council of Elders of Yerevan,  Nare Hayrapetyan (Nare Sose), was kidnapped, leader of the faction, Manuk Sukiasyan, wrote on his Facebook page.

Armenia`s resident unaware of what Azerbaijan is - Alexander Lapshin 
 Monday, January 22 2024, 11:24

ArmInfo. Russian-Israeli blogger Alexander Lapshin reacted to footage posted by the  Azerbaijani side about the conditions of detention of the military-political leadership of Artsakh, captured in September last year, after another act of aggression against the Armenians.
