Hayk Marutyan: Under citizens` pressure, municipality removed fare  increase project from agenda
 Saturday, February 10 2024, 01:19

ArmInfo.Under the pressure of the citizens, the municipality removed from its agenda the project  of increasing the public transport fares. Former Mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan stated in a video message.

UMBA concerned over legal actions against businessmen and government  officials 
 Friday, February 9 2024, 15:18

ArmInfo. The Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia (UMBA) expresses deep  concern about the recent disproportionate actions of the legal system against businessmen and government officials. 

Armenia`s premier comments on closing of government offices in some  border communities 
 Friday, February 9 2024, 15:17

ArmInfo.The process of optimizing the structural units of the Migration and Citizenship Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia has caused a lot of speculation. The optimization of the Meghri court gave rise to  political speculation, the same thing is happening with Vardenis, Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan stated at a discussion of the Service's activities for last year. 

"Armenia" bloc has not yet discussed joining united front of struggle  for independence
 Friday, February 9 2024, 15:16

ArmInfo.The "Armenia" bloc has not yet discussed the issue of joining the united front of the struggle for independence, the creation of which was announced the day before by Avetik Chalabyan (coordinator of the "Hayaqve" initiative - ed.), Chairman of the Armenia bloc Seyran Ohanyan told a briefing on February 9.

U.S. urges Azerbaijan to implement its commitments and ODIHR`s  previous and forthcoming recommendations
 Friday, February 9 2024, 15:15

ArmInfo.The U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan has issued the following statement: 

Armenian FM underscores priorities of Armenia`s ICC membership
 Friday, February 9 2024, 13:26

ArmInfo. Armenian FM Ararat Mirzoyan on February 8 in The Hague met with Paivi Kaukoranta,  President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).  

Armenia commences drafting legislation for ensuring smooth  implementation of Rome Statute
 Friday, February 9 2024, 13:25

ArmInfo. Representative of Armenia on International Legal Matters Yeghishe Kirakosyan posted the  following message on his X account: 

Armenia and Azerbaijan: elusive peace 
 Friday, February 9 2024, 13:16

ArmInfo. In December 2023, it would seem that there were all the prerequisites for ending the  conflict, which became one of the triggers for the collapse of the USSR, and then the geopolitical destabilization of the Caucasus region.

ANCA calls for passage of Lawler-Pallone-Bilirakis-Amo bill to stop   military aid to Azerbaijan 
 Friday, February 9 2024, 12:59

ArmInfo. Congressman Michael Lawler (R-NY) joined with a bipartisan group of Armenian Caucus  colleagues in introducing the "Armenian Protection Act" (H.R.7288) - a bill, strongly supported by the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), aimed at stopping U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan. Its Senate counterpart (S.3000), spearheaded by Senator Gary Peters (D- MI), was adopted unanimously last year.

Andranik Tevanyan: capital`s authorities raise fares without any  reforms
 Thursday, February 8 2024, 19:08

ArmInfo.The mayor's office wants to increase prices for urban transport, this by  the fact that the unit cost of transporting passengers on new buses exceeds 100 drams. Leader of the Mother Armenia movement Andranik Tevanyan wrote on his Facebook page.

Land owned by son of former governorr returned to state
 Thursday, February 8 2024, 16:47

ArmInfo. A land plot of 2.4 hectares in the resort area in the village of Artavaz, Kotayk region,  was returned to the state and assigned to the State Property Committee. The resolution was adopted on February 8 at a meeting of the RA Cabinet of Ministers.

Artsakh issue is not closed for Cilician Catholicosate - Aram I
 Thursday, February 8 2024, 16:46

ArmInfo.The issue of Artsakh is not closed to the Cilician Catholicosate. Catholicos of  the Great House of Cilicia Aram I stated in an interview with CILICIA TV, answering a question about Artsakh.

Armenian FM emphasizes inadmissibility of any "corridor" logic for  Armenia in context of unblocking regional transport links  
 Thursday, February 8 2024, 16:28

ArmInfo.Armenian FM Ararat Mirzoyan participated in a panel discussion at the Netherlands  Institute of International Relations Clingendael (Clingendael  Institute).  

Will Armenia hold Azerbaijani president responsible? Armenia`s  minister of justice provides explanations 
 Wednesday, February 7 2024, 17:43

ArmInfo. Work is underway in Armenia to collect and summarize the facts of crimes committed by  Azerbaijanis against the Armenian people for submission to the International Criminal Court, RA Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan stated on February 7 during government hour in Armenia's Parliament  in response to MP from the opposition faction Armenia Artur Khachatryan.

"We don`t even know how it works":  ruling party MP on use of  administrative resources during constitutional referendum
 Wednesday, February 7 2024, 16:55

ArmInfo. Chair of the Standing Committee on Financial -Credit, Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly of Armenia Gevorg Papoyan, on February 7, in a conversation with journalists, commenting on the fears of opponents of the adoption of the new Constitution that the government would falsify and use administrative resources to ensure the desired result following the constitutional referendum, ruled out such a "prospect".

"The world responded to Azerbaijan`s ethnic cleansing in Artsakh with  declarative statements and small humanitarian aid" - Samvel Babayan
 Wednesday, February 7 2024, 13:23

ArmInfo.The world responded to Azerbaijan's ethnic cleansing of Artsakh with declarative statements and small humanitarian aid as compensation for the genocide. This is stated in a statement by the former Minister of Defense of Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Babayan.

Council of Elders votes for early termination of powers of Yerevan  former mayor 
 Wednesday, February 7 2024, 12:22

ArmInfo.The Council of Elders of Yerevan voted for the early termination of the powers of a member of the National Progress faction, former mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan.

Family violence in Armenia is often latent in nature - Deputy  Minister
 Wednesday, February 7 2024, 12:21

ArmInfo. Family violence in Armenia is often latent nature.  Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Arpine Sargsyan stated on February 7 from the rostrum of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia,  speaking about the amendments presented by a group of MPs  to "On  preventing domestic violence and protecting the rights of victims of  domestic violence and restoring peace in the family."

Refugees from Artsakh are not obliged to serve in army - Armenia`s  Ministry of Internal Affairs
 Wednesday, February 7 2024, 12:19

ArmInfo. Forcibly displaced persons from Artsakh who have received temporary protection status, equivalent to refugee status, are not obliged for participating in  the defense of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic reports.

AZEX criticizes OSCE/ODIHR`s insufficiently critical preliminary  assessment of pre-election situation in Azerbaijan
 Wednesday, February 7 2024, 12:15

ArmInfo.The Azerbaijani Exiled Civic Coalition (AZEX), represented by the Institute for Human Rights (IHR) and the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety (IRFS), condemns the Azerbaijani authorities for expelling from  Azerbaijan a short-term observer of the OSCE/ODIHR mission, Swiss  parliamentarian Nik Gugger, and considers this step to be integral  part of a large-scale campaign of denigration and demonization of  international organizations that demand that Azerbaijan comply with  its obligations in the field of ensuring democracy and respecting  human rights in the country.
