Avigdor Eskin: for Israel, the constructive relations between Armenia and Iran are not a minus, but a plus
 Friday, June 30 2017, 17:36

Israeli publicist and public person Avigdor Eskin in his  interview to  ArmInfo speaks about the purposes of his visit to Armenia and Artsakh. He talks about geopolitical transformations in the Middle East as a catalyst for trends towards the establishment of Iranian-Israeli relations. He shares his vision of the policy of recognizing the Armenian Genocide, internal and external problems of Azerbaijan, the origin of the pitfalls in the development of relations between Israel and Armenia.

US Congressmen demand to stop selling American weapons to Turkey  after the incident with the beating of peaceful demonstrators in  Washington by Erdogan`s guards
 Friday, June 30 2017, 12:47

ArmInfo.Thirty-six US congressmen appealed to Secretary of State Rex Tilleroson not to sell weapons to Turkey in view of the latest incident with the attack of  security guards of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on peaceful demonstrators in Washington.

US Police decision to issue warrants for arrest of Erdogan bodyguards  caused astonishment of Ankara. US Ambassador to Turkey invited to  Foreign Ministry. 
 Friday, June 16 2017, 11:06

ArmInfo. Turkey summons US envoy over bodyguards arrest warrants.Turkey condemned the US move to seek arrest of Turkish security agents accused of taking part in Washington brawl.

US Police issued warrants  arrest Turkey President  bodyguards 
 Friday, June 16 2017, 10:36

ArmInfo. US Police issued warrants  to arrest Turkey President Erdogan bodyguards. Police say they've issued arrest warrants for a dozen Turkish security agents  and two others accused of taking part in the violent altercation on  May 16, which took place as Turkey's president visited Washington.

Turkish MFA charges US House of Reprssentatives in being  non-constructive 
 Wednesday, June 7 2017, 14:03

ArmInfo.The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Huseyin Muftuoglu, came out with a statement in response to a question regarding the resolution passed in the US House of Representatives

Erdogan: OSCE MG`s work on solution of conflict between Yerevan and  Baku is ineffective
 Wednesday, June 7 2017, 11:21

ArmInfo.The activities of the OSCE Minsk Group to resolve the conflict between Armenia and  Azerbaijan are ineffective.

US House of Representatives adopted a resolution condemning violence  against peaceful demonstrators near residence of Ambassador of Turkey
 Wednesday, June 7 2017, 10:50

ArmInfo.The US House of Representatives unanimously adopted resolution 354, which condemns  violence against peaceful demonstrators near the residence of the Turkish Ambassador to Washington on May 16, 2017.

Political  Expert: German militaries leaving  Indjirlik is the result  of complex change of relations of Ankara with Western Partners  
 Monday, June 5 2017, 18:33

ArmInfo. German militaries leaving Indjirlik base in Turkey is  the result of complex change of  relations of Ankara with Western Partners, United States and  certain countries of EU. Such an opinion was stated by Sergey Minasyan, the director of  Institute for Caucasus, in his conversation with ArmInfo reporter. 

 Friday, May 26 2017, 12:11


US Congress: Turkish officials involved in punitive operation against  peaceful demonstrators in Washington will be held responsible under  US law
 Thursday, May 25 2017, 12:47

ArmInfo.In the US House of Representatives, House Resolution 354 was presented today, regretting the violent actions of Turkish security forces  of the Turkish leader  Recep Tayyip Erdogan against peaceful demonstrators in front of the Turkish Embassy in Washington.

American senators demant to cut aid to Turkey until Ankara responds  criminal behavior of Erdogan security guards. 
 Tuesday, May 23 2017, 14:22

ArmInfo.Top U.S. Senate Appropriators Threaten Turkey Aid Over Attacks on US Protesters.  29 U.S. Representatives Press Secretary Tillerson to Take Decisive  Action against Ankara Congressional uproar over the May 16th brutal  beating of peaceful American protesters in Washington, DC by Turkish  President Recep Erdogan's security forces pushed into a second week,  with top U.S.  Senate appropriators - Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and  Patrick Leahy (D-VT) - threatening to cut US assistance to Ankara if  the matter is not given "the highest attention and consideration it  deserves by the Government of Turkey," reported the Armenian National  Committee of America (ANCA).

Armenia`s Deputy Foreign Minister`s statement in BSEC caused  Erdogan`s uncertain reaction 
 Monday, May 22 2017, 15:08

ArmInfo.Armenia`s Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimyans's statement during special meeting of the BSEC Council of Foreign Ministers caused the Turkish President Erdogan`s uncertain reaction. 

 Friday, May 19 2017, 13:06


Turkish expert: Erdogan will recognize the Armenian Genocide, sensing the possibility of receiving dividends from this
 Thursday, May 18 2017, 13:47

ArmInfo. If no changes are made in the authoritarian government of Turkey in the near future, positive progress will not be expected in the normalization of the Armenian- Turkish relations in the foreseeable future. The teacher of Utrecht University and the researcher of the Institute of War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD) Usur Umit Ungor expressed this opinion, responding to the question of ArmInfo.

Czech Ambassador to Armenia: Czech President kept his promise to  recognize the Armenian Genocide
 Wednesday, April 26 2017, 16:16

ArmInfo.The recognition of the historical fact of Armenian Genocide became one of the most important events of the recent times between Armenia and Czech  Republic, said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the  Czech Republic to Armenia Petr Mikyska in an interview with ArmInfo  correspondent. He recalled that the President of the Czech Republic,  Milos Zeman, having addressed the initiative to the Parliament of the  country, thereby kept his promise given during his official visit to  Armenia in June 2016.

Giro(Kiro)Manoyan: Trump`s statement about Genocide is the political  line continuation of his predecessors 
 Tuesday, April 25 2017, 14:34

ArmInfo. USA President Donald  Trump's statement on the 102nd anniversary of Armenian Genocide  evidences that he continues the political line of his predecessors,  Giro Minoyan, Hay-Dat ARFD offices' head stated during the  press-conference in Yerevan on April 25.

Turkish Foreign Ministry reacted to statement of US President Donald  Trump on occasion of events of 1915
 Tuesday, April 25 2017, 12:09

ArmInfo.The Turkish Foreign Ministry reacted to the statement of US President Donald Trump on the occasion of the events of 1915.

Armenian Assembly of America and Armenian National Committee of  America reacted to statement of President Trump
 Tuesday, April 25 2017, 12:08

ArmInfo.The Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) calls for a thorough investigation to reveal the secret influence of Turkey on the US government.

Erdogan expressed his condolences to Armenians
 Monday, April 24 2017, 23:26

ArmInfo. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his condolences to the Armenians on April 24, in connection with the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian  Genocide, which Ankara denies.

 Monday, April 24 2017, 18:13

