Armenian opposition again took to the streets
 Wednesday, April 25 2018, 11:38

ArmInfo.This morning, Yereventsis, on the call of the leader of the opposition movement, Nikol Pashinyan again went to protest. The striking students march  through the central streets of Yerevan, chanting: "RPA leave, forget  Armenia", "Armenia is our country" and "Nikol- Premier".

 Wednesday, April 25 2018, 11:29


MP: If Tsaroukyan bloc votes for the candidate to the Prime Minister  from the ruling Republican Party, he will no longer be opposition 
 Tuesday, April 10 2018, 16:53

ArmInfo. If the "Tsaroukyan" bloc votes for Serzh Sargsyan, or for any other candidate for premieres from the ruling Republican Party, he will cease to be an opposition.  This was stated in a conversation with journalists on April 10 by a  deputy from the Tsarukyan faction, Sergei Bagratyan. 

Alan Duncan British Minister for Europe and Americas attended Armen  Sarkissian`s 
 Monday, April 9 2018, 16:56

ArmInfo. Sir Alan Duncan, UK Minister for Europe and the Americas has arrived in Yerevan today for a brief visit for the inauguration of the President of Armenia.  He  has tweeted: Limbering up for the imminent inauguration of President  Sarkissian of Armenia @UKinArmenia.

Raffi Hovhannisyan: It is quite possible that with our Armen  Sarkisian presidency our republic will gradually change
 Monday, April 9 2018, 14:46

ArmInfo."At one time, I proposed Armen Sargsyan to the post of the Armenian Ambassador to the United Kingdom and I am proud of his activities," Heritage party leader Raffi Hovhannisyan told journalists, explaining the reasons for his  presence at the inauguration ceremony of the 4th president against the absence of representatives of other large opposition forces.

Prosperous Armenia Party will have Secretary General from now on
 Tuesday, March 27 2018, 14:42

ArmInfo. The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) will now have a Secretary General and five deputy chairmen of the party. The corresponding decision was made on the eve  of the meeting of the political council of the structure.

In Yerevan, a young man threatens to jump off the bridge if MPs Gagik Tsarukyan and Samvel Alexanyan or the Moscow mayor
 Friday, March 16 2018, 13:59

ArmInfo. In Yerevan, a young man crossed the fence of the Victory Bridge and threatens to commit suicide if the head of the Tsarukyan block, businessmen Gagik Tsarukyan, law maker and businessman Samvel Aleksanyan or the capital's mayor Taron Margaryan.

Nikol Pashinyan blamed Armen Sargsyan for disrespected towards Armenian nation
 Thursday, March 1 2018, 16:55

ArmInfo. The head of the "Yelk" bloc faction, Nikol Pashinyan, accused the candidate for the presidency of Armen Sargsyan in disrespect for the Armenian people from the rostrum of the parliament.

"Tsarukyan" bloc will join the ranks the ruling coalition after presidential elections
 Monday, February 26 2018, 13:02

ArmInfo. "Tsarukyan" bloc will join the ranks of the ruling coalition after the presidential elections. This is the reason for the decision of the bloc on the support of the presidential candidate from the Republican Party Armen Sargsyan at the parliamentary elections. As you know, without the support of the bloc, Sargsyan would not be able to score 3/4 of the votes in the first round, as RPA and ARF Dashnaktsutyun do not have the necessary number of mandates for this.

Russian Ambassador to Armenia Ivan Volynkin is recognized as the ambassador of the year by the version of International Media Holding.
 Tuesday, February 13 2018, 14:14

ArmInfo. Russian Ambassador to Armenia Ivan Volynkin is recognized as the ambassador of the year by the version of International Media Holding.

 Tuesday, January 16 2018, 13:56


"Tsarukyan" block will not join the procession of the block "Elk" against the price increase
 Tuesday, January 16 2018, 12:49

ArmInfo. Tsarukyan block does not intend to join the initiative of the Yelk bloc to hold a march against the price increase for a number of essential goods.

Opposition blocs "Elk" and "Tsarukyan" can not come to a consensus on consolidation around a single presidential candidate
 Monday, January 15 2018, 17:10

ArmInfo. Opposition blocs "Elk" and "Tsarukyan" can not come to a consensus on the issue of consolidating around a single presidential candidate.

Tsaroukyan bloc will not nominate a candidate for the post of  Armenian President in 2018
 Friday, December 29 2017, 13:23

ArmInfo. The "Tsaroukyan" block will not nominate a candidate for the post of the president of Armenia in 2018. The leader of the bloc, Gagik Tsaroukyan, told radio  "Azatutyun".

Artsakh President: Establishing and developing relations with political parties in Europe is one of the priorities of our foreign policy
 Saturday, December 16 2017, 13:55

ArmInfo. Establishment and  development of relations with political parties in Europe is one of  the priorities of the foreign policy of Artsakh.

Gagik Tsaroukyan: Perhaps, Armenia does not effectively use the  opportunities of Eurasian Economic Union
 Monday, September 11 2017, 15:56

ArmInfo.Armenia has not been offered better  conditions for cooperation, greater investments than the countries of  the Eurasian Economic Union, the leader of the Tsaroukyan block Gagik  Tsarukyan expressed such an opinion  in his conversation with  journalists, referring to the initiative of the opposition bloc  "Yelk" about the withdrawal of Armenia from the EEU.

Gagik Tsaroukyan: Positive shifts since Karapetyan`s appointment to  the post of Armenian Prime Minister  already exist
 Monday, September 11 2017, 15:16

ArmInfo. "Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan is my friend. It is not correct when one friend expresses his opinion about another friend, but when we meet a  tete-a-tete, I tell him both good and bad>, - so the leader of the  Tsarukyan block, businessman Gagik Tsarukyan answered journalists'  question about, as he assesses the activities of Karen Karapetyan and  his Cabinet in the previous year.

Gagik Tsarukyan did not rule out the possibility of consolidating his  bloc in a coalition with the ruling Republican Party 
 Monday, September 11 2017, 15:13

ArmInfo. Privilege of nomination candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Armenia in 2018 on the basis of parliamentary elections of 2017 belong to the  ruling Republican Party, which has an absolute majority in the  National Assembly, and as soon as the RPA expresses its position  regarding the candidacy of the future head of the Cabinet, the  Tsarukyan bloc will publish its point of view on this matter.

Sociologist: Citizens of Armenia trust the Prime Minister more than  the President of the country
 Wednesday, August 23 2017, 15:26

ArmInfo. Only 10% of the population of Armenia trusts Serzh Sargsyan. This August 23 at a  press conference said sociologist Aharon Adibekyan.According to him, this is evidenced by the results of a poll among 5,500 Armenian citizens.  

 Monday, July 3 2017, 14:59

