Thursday, May 17 2018, 20:06


 Wednesday, May 16 2018, 17:21


 Friday, May 11 2018, 16:01


 Wednesday, March 7 2018, 16:08


Head of Joint Staff of CSTO advised Armenia not to take painful Russia`s sale of weapons to Azerbaijan
 Tuesday, March 6 2018, 18:10

ArmInfo. If Azerbaijan does not buy weapons from Russia, it can buy it from any other state. Colonel-General Anatoly Sidorov, head of the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, said during the Moscow-Yerevan-Astana-Bishkek-Minsk space bridge on the theme "Major threats to the military security of the CSTO member states" on March 6.

 Tuesday, March 6 2018, 16:52


 Tuesday, March 6 2018, 16:48


 Monday, February 26 2018, 14:36


 Friday, February 2 2018, 14:48


 Monday, January 29 2018, 16:52


 Friday, November 24 2017, 13:12


Prospects for Arthur Petrosyan`s future career in the Armenian team  will clarify his meeting with the President of FFA
 Monday, October 9 2017, 12:29

ArmInfo.Prospects for Arthur Petrosyan's future career as a coach of the Armenian national team will clear up after a meeting with FFA President Ruben Hayrapetyan.   Petrosyan himself announced this at the post-match press conference.

Henrik Mkhitaryan took responsibility for the shameful 1: 6 with  Poland on himself
 Saturday, October 7 2017, 11:27

ArmInfo. The captain of the national team of Armenia Henrikh Mkhitaryan took responsibility for the shameful 1: 6 with Poland on himself.

 Monday, October 2 2017, 13:45


Timur Urazaev: As  members  of EEU, either Armenia and  Kazakhstan  are "a priori"  factors for their partners in other EEUcountries.
 Thursday, August 24 2017, 14:43

His Excellency Timur Urazaev, the  Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan Republic  in Armenia in his interview to ArmInfo  speaks about  the results of 25-year-long Armenian-Kazakh relations, prospects for economic and political cooperation between  two countries, shares Kazakhstan's experience in implementing the largest economic transit projects on its territory. Enumerates the foreign policy, economic and civilizational priorities of his country, talks  about the place and role of Kazakhstan in the modern international system of political coordinates.

 Monday, July 24 2017, 12:47


 Friday, June 16 2017, 16:46


Serzh Sargsyan participated in opening of international specialized  exhibition "Astana Expo-2017"
 Saturday, June 10 2017, 21:25

ArmInfo.Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, who is on a working visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan, attended the official opening ceremony of the international specialized exhibition Astana Expo-2017 held under the motto <Energy of the future> with the president of the host Nursultan Nazarbayev, the heads of other delegations visiting Astana, in the congress center.

 Tuesday, June 6 2017, 14:18


First fight connecting capitals of Kazakhstan and Armenia landed at   Zvartnots airport
 Wednesday, May 31 2017, 15:16

ArmInfo.The first fight connecting capitals of Kazakhstan and Armenia landed in   Zvartnots airport at  11:44 local time. 
