Freedom House qualifies what happened in Artsakh as ethnic cleansing,  while Yerevan meets new demands of Baku - Ombudsman

 Tuesday, July 2 2024 17:11
Freedom House qualifies what happened in Artsakh as ethnic cleansing,  while Yerevan meets new demands of Baku - Ombudsman

ArmInfo. The report of the <Freedom House>  international human rights organization clearly stated that  what happened in Artsakh fully complies with the internationally accepted definition of ethnic cleansing. Artsakh Human Rights Defender Gegham Stepanyan wrote  on his Facebook page. "

Russian peacekeepers continue to ensure safety of traffic through   Lachin corridor
 Saturday, July 10 2021 13:43

ArmInfo. The servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping continent continue to carry out the tasks of monitoring the observance of the ceasefire on the line of demarcation  of the sides and ensuring the safety of traffic, transportation of  food and various goods along the Lachin corridor.

Armenians of Europe will renovate a school in  Karabakh village of  Khramort
 Saturday, July 10 2021 11:13

ArmInfo.On the joint initiative of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) and the Belgian French-speaking friendship group with Artsakh, the necessary funding has been provided for the renovation of the  secondary school of the village of Khramort in the Askeran region of   the Republic of Artsakh/Nagorno Karabakh. 

During the meeting with Artsakh President, Nikol Pashinyan stressed  issue of clarifying status of Artsakh
 Saturday, July 10 2021 10:42

ArmInfo.Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan met with President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan in the Office of Government. 

Moscow does not consider that situation on Armenian-Azerbaijani border  is directly connected with Karabakh settlement
 Friday, July 9 2021 14:37

ArmInfo.Issues of strengthening regional security are being actively discussed with Armenian partners in various formats, and the main for this cooperation are various  agreements and arrangements that have been formalized on a bilateral  basis. On July 9, during a weekly briefing, this was stated by  official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria  Zakharova, referring to the prospects for expanding the 102nd Russian  military base in Armenia.

Artur Davtyan and Christos Giakoumopoulos discussed humanitarian  consequences of Artsakh war, violations of fundamental human rights  and freedoms
 Friday, July 9 2021 13:48

ArmInfo. The RA Prosecutor General Artur Davtyan, within the framework of the International Conference of the Heads of the Prosecutor's Office of European  Countries in St. Petersburg, held a bilateral meeting with Director  General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe  Christos Giakoumopoulos.

Russian peacekeeping contingent does not confirm information spread  by Azerbaijani Defense Ministry 
 Wednesday, July 7 2021 09:59

ArmInfo. The Russian peacekeeping contingent does not confirm the information of the  Azerbaijani Defense Ministry on the violation of the ceasefire regime  on the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Russian and EU diplomats discussed the Karabakh conflict
 Friday, July 2 2021 16:51

ArmInfo. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrei Rudenko and Deputy Secretary General of the European Foreign Service for Political  Affairs Enrique Mora, during the meeting on July 2, substantively  discussed the situation in the CIS space, including the problems of  the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement and the course of the International  Geneva discussions on security in the Caucasus.

State Minister of Artsakh: Soon the Azerbaijani side will stop using  the road from Red Bazaar to Shushi
 Thursday, July 1 2021 15:57

ArmInfo. Soon, in a few months, the Azerbaijani side will stop using the Red Bazaar - Shushi road. Artsakh State Minister Artak Beglaryan stated this on July 1,  responding to the concern of the NKR residents about the unleashed  behavior of Azerbaijanis using this road.

Stepanakert reacted to the recognition of the independence of the  Republic of Artsakh by the American New Jersey
 Thursday, July 1 2021 11:18

ArmInfo. President of Nagorno Karabakh Arayik Harutyunyan reacted to the recognition of the independence of the Republic of Artsakh by the American state of New Jersey.

Artsakh Defense Army makes serious efforts to neutralize post-war  challenges
 Wednesday, June 30 2021 19:31

ArmInfo. Ensuring the proper security of the citizens of Artsakh in the post-war period faced new challenges. The Defense Army and other law enforcement agencies, with the support and guarantees of the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation, had  done a remarkable job to neutralize these challenges. This is stated  in the annual address of Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan to the  NKR National Assembly.

Artsakh Ombudsman accused Azerbaijan of information terrorism
 Wednesday, June 30 2021 17:51

ArmInfo.Human Rights Ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan issued a statement in which he referred to the ongoing aggression by Azerbaijan against the people of Artsakh,  exerting psychological pressure on the Artsakh residents through  information terrorism.

ICRC head: The Red Cross continues to address the issue of prisoners  of war in the Karabakh conflict zone
 Wednesday, June 30 2021 11:15

ArmInfo.The head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Peter Maurer pointed to the progress on the exchange of prisoners of war between Armenia  and Azerbaijan.

Ann Linde calls for release of all POWs and resumption of  negotiations on Karabakh under auspices of Minsk Group
 Tuesday, June 29 2021 17:00

ArmInfo OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde again  called on Azerbaijan to release the Armenian prisoners of war, resume  negotiations under the auspices of the Minsk Group co-chairs and  reach a political solution.

Ann Linde and Helga Schmid discussed the Karabakh conflict
 Tuesday, June 29 2021 16:29

ArmInfo. OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Ann Linde discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with the Organization's Secretary  General Helga Schmid.

Lavrov and Grandi discussed the return of refugees and IDPs to  Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas
 Tuesday, June 29 2021 12:21

ArmInfo.Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi at a meeting in Moscow, held a thorough exchange of views on  the situation of refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and  stateless persons in the world, including taking into account the  COVID- 19 pandemic, as well as various aspects of interaction between  the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  (UNHCR) and the Russian Federation.  

NSS of Artsakh confirms information about calls made by citizens of  Azerbaijan and Turkey to Artsakh people
 Monday, June 28 2021 13:16

ArmInfo.The NSS of Artsakh confirmed the information about the calls from the citizens of Azerbaijan and Turkey to the Artsakh people.

Ombudsman of Artsakh took part in discussion "Humanitarian Aid,  International Sanctions and Armed Conflicts" on sidelines of UN Human  Rights Council
 Friday, June 25 2021 17:26

ArmInfo. On June 24, Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Artsakh Gegham Stepanyan participated in the online discussion on "Humanitarian Aid,  International Sanctions and Armed Conflict" as a special speaker in  the side event organized by the International Humanitarian Law Unit  at Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights on the  sidelines of the 47th session of the Human Rights Council and the  humanitarian affairs segment of the Economic and Social Council.

Zatulin: Russian peacekeepers can be withdrawn from Karabakh only  with the mutual desire of Yerevan and Baku
 Friday, June 25 2021 10:32

ArmInfo.My common sense tells me that if peacekeepers appeared in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone at the request of both sides, then they should also leave at the  request of Yerevan and Baku.

Putin and Erdogan discussed Nagorno-Karabakh and Syria
 Friday, June 25 2021 10:17

ArmInfo.On June 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Sargsyan announced the preparation for signing a peace document on  Karabakh in 2018
 Friday, June 25 2021 10:15

ArmInfo. "We accuse the capitulator (Sargsyan means Pashinyan - ed. note) not in that he signed a trilateral document, when the Azerbaijanis had already  conquered Shushi and were really very close to Stepanakert, but in  the situation he created." The third president of Armenia, Serzh  Sargsyan, stated this in an interview with the BBC Russian service.

