Freedom House qualifies what happened in Artsakh as ethnic cleansing,  while Yerevan meets new demands of Baku - Ombudsman

 Tuesday, July 2 2024 17:11
Freedom House qualifies what happened in Artsakh as ethnic cleansing,  while Yerevan meets new demands of Baku - Ombudsman

ArmInfo. The report of the <Freedom House>  international human rights organization clearly stated that  what happened in Artsakh fully complies with the internationally accepted definition of ethnic cleansing. Artsakh Human Rights Defender Gegham Stepanyan wrote  on his Facebook page. "

Serviceman killed in Artsakh
 Tuesday, July 27 2021 11:23

ArmInfo. An Armenian soldier received a fatal gunshot wound in one of the positions of the military units in the north of Artsakh, the press service of the  Defense Army reported.

Artak Beglaryan: The people and authorities of Artsakh will never  accept any de jure or de facto status within Azerbaijan
 Monday, July 26 2021 18:07

ArmInfo.Artsakh has been Armenian for thousands of years, and will remain so forever thanks to our national will and efforts. State Minister of the Artsakh Republic  Artak Beglaryan, who previously held the post of Ombudsman of  Artsakh, wrote about this on his Facebook page, commenting on the  latest statements by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the status  of Artsakh and the number of Armenians living in the Republic.

Lynne Tracy spoke about U.S. efforts to protect the rights of  families of internally displaced persons from Nagorno- Karabakh
 Friday, July 23 2021 18:19

ArmInfo. U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Lynne Tracy and Acting Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Armenia Narek Mkrtchyan touched upon the efforts of the United  States to protect the rights of families of internally displaced  persons from Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Artsakh Foreign Ministry celebrates its 28th anniversary 
 Friday, July 23 2021 13:58

ArmInfo.28 years ago, on July 23, 1993, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic (Republic of Artsakh) was established. As the press service  of the NKR Foreign Ministry informs, the formation of the Foreign  Ministry fell on a difficult period, when the people of Artsakh were  forced to repulse the armed aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan with  the aim of destroying the young state of Artsakh.

Kocharian is convinced: Azerbaijan will try to complete its plan for  the complete occupation of Artsakh
 Thursday, July 22 2021 11:00

ArmInfo. Border events are only a small part of reality. Second president of Armenia,  leader of the "Armenia" bloc Robert Kocharian stated an interview with several  Armenian media referring to the situation on the borders of Armenia.

Kremlin: Russia ready to welcome mediation efforts of EU countries in  negotiations on Karabakh
 Wednesday, July 21 2021 14:15

ArmInfo. The process of implementing the agreements on Karabakh is going well. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of the Russian  Federation Dmitry Peskov. 

Aliyev assures:"Azerbaijan is determined  to make the post-conflict period in Nagorno- Karabakh as painless as possible
 Tuesday, July 20 2021 23:42

ArmInfo.Aliyev assures that "Azerbaijan is determinedto make the post-war period in Nagorno- Karabakh to be as painless as possible."According to TASS, this was stated by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at a meeting with his Russian counterpart  Vladimir Putin.

Putin and Aliyev will discuss the implementation of agreements on  Nagorno-Karabakh
 Tuesday, July 20 2021 12:08

ArmInfo.Today, Moscow will host talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who will be in Russia on a working visit.

Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh appeal to  international community and PACE
 Friday, July 16 2021 17:09

ArmInfo.Non-governmental organizations of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh for the protection of the rights of Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan and Nagorno- Karabakh  appeal to the international community, in particular, to the PACE  member states, with an appeal to recognize the right of Armenian  refugees to return to Nagorno-Karabakh with preliminary recognition  of the independence of Karabakh.

US State Department expressed support for peaceful settlement of  Karabakh conflict within the framework of OSCE Minsk Group
 Friday, July 16 2021 11:57

ArmInfo. The US State Department did not comment on the issue related to the  non-participation of the American ambassador in the trip of foreign  diplomats to the occupied Shushi, organized by the Azerbaijani  government.

Blinken and Le Drian discussed situation in  Karabakh conflict zone  Jean-Yves Le Drian 
 Thursday, July 15 2021 17:59

ArmInfo.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian  and US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken discussed the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict  zone.

Pashinyan: Today it is important to think about a smooth transition  from social assistance programs to the people of Artsakh to  development programs 
 Thursday, July 15 2021 13:24

ArmInfo. Today it is important to think about a smooth transition from social assistance programs programs to the people of Artsakh to development programs. This was stated at a meeting of the government by acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol  Pashinyan during the consideration of the issue of the next provision  of almost 8 billion drams as social assistance to the residents of  the Republic of Artsakh displaced as a result of the military  aggression of Azerbaijan.

Opinion: Azerbaijan and Turkey pursue one goal: the complete capture  of Armenia
 Thursday, July 15 2021 12:10

ArmInfo. Azerbaijan and Turkey pursue one goal: the complete capture of Armenia. Former adviser to the President of Artsakh on security issues Tigran Abrahamyan  expressed such opinion. 

Artsakh Defense Army refutes Azerbaijani Defense Ministry 
 Wednesday, July 14 2021 13:40

ArmInfo.he Artsakh Defense Army refutes the statement spread by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

Ombudsman of Artsakh reported about shots near Shushi
 Wednesday, July 14 2021 10:04

ArmInfo.Artsakh Ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan contacted the authorized bodies to find out the reasons for the shooting near Shushi.

Artsakh MFA: By organizing visits to the occupied territories of NKR,  Azerbaijan is trying to consolidate the results of the 44-day  aggressive war 
 Tuesday, July 13 2021 14:03

ArmInfo.We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the organization on July 10, 2021 by the Azerbaijani authorities of the visit of staffers of foreign  diplomatic missions accredited in Azerbaijan to the occupied  territories of the Republic of Artsakh, including the city of  Sh®ushi. This is stated in the statement of the Artsakh Foreign  Ministry.

Greece harshly criticized its ambassador for his visit to occupied  Shushi
 Tuesday, July 13 2021 11:22

ArmInfo. Greece is outraged by the visit of Greek Ambassador to Azerbaijan Nikos Piperigos to the Armenian Shushi occupied by Azerbaijan.

Europa Nostra and European Association of Archaeologists call for  holistic protection of rich multicultural heritage in and around  Karabakh
 Monday, July 12 2021 17:30

ArmInfo. Europa Nostra and the European Association of Archaeologists have issued a joint statement over the holistic protection of the integrity, authenticity, and  diversity of the rich multicultural heritage in and around the area  of Nagorno Karabakh.

Stepanakert criticized visit of foreign ambassadors to occupied  Shushi
 Monday, July 12 2021 12:34

ArmInfo.Stepanakert criticized the visit of foreign ambassadors to occupied Shushi.  Thus, Artsakh Foreign Minister David Babayan, in an interview with ArmInfo,  expressing his attitude to the visit of diplomats to occupied Shushi,  called this step wrong both from an ethical and a moral point of  view.

Azerbaijan is again dissatisfied with  actions of  ambassadors of   OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries
 Monday, July 12 2021 12:31

ArmInfo. Azerbaijan is again dissatisfied with the actions of the ambassadors of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries. This time, the reason for the discontent  was the refusal of the diplomats of the above countries to visit the  Armenian city of Shushi occupied by Azerbaijan.

