Freedom House qualifies what happened in Artsakh as ethnic cleansing,  while Yerevan meets new demands of Baku - Ombudsman

 Tuesday, July 2 2024 17:11
Freedom House qualifies what happened in Artsakh as ethnic cleansing,  while Yerevan meets new demands of Baku - Ombudsman

ArmInfo. The report of the <Freedom House>  international human rights organization clearly stated that  what happened in Artsakh fully complies with the internationally accepted definition of ethnic cleansing. Artsakh Human Rights Defender Gegham Stepanyan wrote  on his Facebook page. "

Russian peacekeepers patrolled along demarcation line in  Nagorno-Karabakh
 Friday, November 19 2021 11:14

ArmInfo.Servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, as part of mobile patrol groups, made a march of many kilometers in modern armored personnel carriers  BTR-82A and KAMAZ vehicles with improved cross-country ability on  public roads and on dirt impassable roads in Nagorno-Karabakh.  According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, while  patrolling along the line of demarcation of the sides, Russian  peacekeepers are monitoring the observance of the ceasefire,  observing the air situation and interviewing local residents.

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be settled within OSCE Minsk Groups
 Tuesday, November 16 2021 16:23

ArmInfo. RA NA President Alen Simonyan hosted on Tuesday Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland to Armenia John Gallagher.

Russian, Iranian presidents discuss Nagorno-Karabakh
 Tuesday, November 16 2021 15:51

ArmInfo.The Russian and Iranian Presidents, Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, had a telephone conversation. The two discussed bilateral  cooperation, including implementation of large-scale projects and  collaboration in battling the spread of COVID-19. 

Putin and Macron discussed state of affairs in Karabakh conflict zone
 Tuesday, November 16 2021 11:06

ArmInfo. Many topical issues on the bilateral and international agenda, including  countering the spread of coronavirus infection, were discussed during  a lengthy telephone conversation between Russian leader Vladimir  Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Artsakh citizen involved in morning incident to be handed over to  Artsakh law-enforcers 
 Saturday, November 13 2021 13:39

ArmInfo. The citizen involved in the incident on the Shushi section of the  Stepanankert-Berdzor highway is at the headquarters of the Russian  peacekeeping troops now, Artsakh Ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan reported  on his Facebook page. 

Stepanakert-Shushi-Berdzor highway open
 Saturday, November 13 2021 13:34

ArmInfo.The National Security Service of the Republic of Artsakh was informed of an  incident on the Stepanakert-Berdzor highway, near the Shuhsi  checkpoint, this morning. In response to Azerbaijani troops'  provocations, an unidentified person threw an explosive at the  checkpoint, after which the Stepanakert-Berdzor-Shuhsi highway was  blocked on both sides. 

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs released another statement
 Friday, November 12 2021 02:39

ArmInfo. The Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group (Andrew Schofer of the United States of America, Igor Khovaev of the Russian Federation, and Brice Roquefeuil of France) released the following statement:

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France discussed current issues of  Karabakh conflict
 Thursday, November 11 2021 14:14

ArmInfo.Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, who is on a working visit to Paris, met with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian. 

First orthodox church opened in Nagorno-Karabakh
 Wednesday, November 10 2021 19:31

ArmInfo.The first orthodox church has been opened in the Russian military camp near Stepanakert, TASS reports. 

U.N. humanitarian aid still not available to Nagorno Karabakh people,  Armenia`s premier states 
 Wednesday, November 10 2021 19:26

ArmInfo.Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received today United Nations' Resident Coordinator Shombi Sharp on the occasion of completion of his mission in Armenia.    Pashinyan highly appreciated Mr. Sharp's work in developing the cooperation between  Armenia and the UN agencies. Nikol Pashinyan also attached importance to the UN's  support to Armenia in fighting the coronavirus pandemic and expressed regret that the  UN humanitarian aid is still not available to the people of Nagorno Karabakh. In the  context of Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, the PM highlighted the importance of  the 2021-2025 UN Sustainable Development Partnership framework document for  Armenia, which was signed between the Armenian Government and the UN in June,  2021.    Thanking for the appreciation, Shombi Sharp said it was a great honor for him to serve in  Armenia, adding that he leaves the country with warm impressions. He highly valued the  partnership with the Armenian Government, the evidence of which are the effective joint  programs. He said that the UN will continue to stand by Armenia and the Armenian  people, assist the implementation of reforms, overcome the difficult challenges.    The sides exchanged views on the agenda of the Armenia-UN partnership, the agenda of  peace and stability in the region.    PM Pashinyan wished good luck to Shombi Sharp in his future activities, stating that Mr.  Sharp will remain the good friend of Armenia and its people.

Russian Ambassador: The trilateral agreements reached a year ago on a  ceasefire in the Karabakh conflict zone have fully justified  themselves
 Wednesday, November 10 2021 14:20

ArmInfo. Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin is convinced that the trilateral agreements reached a year ago on a ceasefire in the zone of the  Nagorno- Karabakh conflict, despite the existing difficulties, fully  justified themselves.

Artsakh Prosecutor General`s Office provided data on Azerbaijani  Armed Forces` crimes after signing of a trilateral ceasefire  statement
 Wednesday, November 10 2021 11:59

ArmInfo. The General Prosecutor's Office of Artsakh presented data on violations committed by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces after the signing of a trilateral  ceasefire statement.

RF MoD: One violation of the ceasefire was recorded in the zone of  responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent
 Wednesday, November 10 2021 11:20

ArmInfo. In the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, one violation of the ceasefire regime was recorded. This is stated in the  information bulletin of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the  activities of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the zone of the  Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on November 9.

Yerevan: The realities formed as a result of the use of force by  Azerbaijan against Artsakh cannot become the basis for the solution  of the Karabakh conflict
 Tuesday, November 9 2021 15:33

ArmInfo. In order to halt the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020, against Artsakh and its people, with the direct involvement of Turkey and  foreign terrorist fighters, on November 9, 2020, with the mediation  of the President of the Russian Federation a Trilateral Statement on  complete ceasefire and termination of all hostilities in the area of  Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was signed, which resulted in deployment of  peacekeeping forces of Russia in Artsakh.

Azerbaijani Defense Ministry outraged by Arshak Karapetyan`s visit to  Artsakh
 Tuesday, November 9 2021 12:40

ArmInfo. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry was outraged by the visit of Armenian Defense Minister Arshak Karapetyan to Artsakh.

Stepanakert: The norms of international law prohibit the recognition  of any territorial gains as a result of the threat or use of force
 Tuesday, November 9 2021 11:38

ArmInfo.The position of the official Stepanakert and the will of the people of Artsakh remained unchanged. Artsakh will never be a part of Azerbaijan. This is stated  in the statement of the Artsakh Foreign Ministry on the occasion of  the one-year anniversary of the signing of the trilateral statement  on the cessation of hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh  conflict.

NKR Investigative Committee reports new circumstances of provocation  of Azerbaijani armed forces in Shushi region
 Tuesday, November 9 2021 11:34

ArmInfo.The Investigative Committee of the Nagorno- Karabakh Republic reported new circumstances about the provocation of the Azerbaijani armed forces  near Shushi, as a result of which a civilian was killed and three NKR  citizens were wounded.

Artsakh Ombudsman: It is necessary to put an end to Azerbaijani  arbitrariness and impunity
 Monday, November 8 2021 19:20

ArmInfo. Artsakh Ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan spoke about the condition of citizens wounded near Shushi as a result of the fire opened by the Azerbaijani Armed  Forces.

Dunja Mijatovic: Human rights protection and humanitarian aid  continue to be imperative in the Karabakh conflict zone
 Monday, November 8 2021 19:17

ArmInfo.  A year after the signing of a trilateral statement which ended the 2020 outbreak of hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, the  Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic,  publishes a memorandum addressing the humanitarian and human rights  consequences of the conflict and formulates eight recommendations for  urgent human rights protection. The official website of CoE reports.

Artsakh State Minister holds meetings in Boston
 Monday, November 8 2021 14:58

ArmInfo. State Minister of the Artsakh Republic Artak Beglaryan holds meetings with  representatives of various circles of the Armenian community of Boston.

