Azerbaijan actively settles Lachin Corridor and Nagorno-Karabakh

 Friday, June 28 2024 18:42
Azerbaijan actively settles Lachin Corridor and Nagorno-Karabakh

ArmInfo.Azerbaijan is actively settling the Lachin corridor. According to the State Committee of Refugees of the  Republic of Azerbaijan, 1,971 people have been to Lachin after 30 years.

Azerbaijan`s ethnic cleansing of Artsakh areas clear violation of  Rome Statute of International Criminal Court - ANCA
 Tuesday, August 9 2022 10:42

ArmInfo. Azerbaijan's ethnic cleansing of Aghavno, Berdzor, and other areas of Artsakh represents a clear violation of Article 7, Section 1(d) of the Rome Statute of  the International Criminal Court - prohibiting the "deportation or  forcible transfer of population," ANC reports. 

Project of turning Church of Holy Ascension in Berdzor into mosque  prepared in Azerbaijan
 Tuesday, August 9 2022 10:38

ArmInfo. A project of turning the Church of Holy Ascension in Berdzor into a mosque has been prepared in Azerbaijan. 

Putin, Pashinyan discuss situation around Nagorno-Karabakh
 Monday, August 8 2022 20:22

ArmInfo.At the initiative of the Armenian side, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

No evacuation of Berdzor residents in trilateral statement - Karen  Vrtanesyan
 Monday, August 8 2022 13:01

ArmInfo.The trilateral statement of November 9, 2020, does not stipulate Armenians leaving Berdzor, writes military expert Karen Vrtanesyan. 

"If we lose Artsakh, we will turn the last but one, if not the last,  page of Armenian history" - Artsakh Beglaryan
 Monday, August 8 2022 11:31

ArmInfo. During the Azerbaijani aggression in the last few days, the Artsakh Defense Army was repeatedly resisting Azerbaijani attacks and provocations,  Artsakh State Minister Artak Beglaryan wrote in a Telegram message. 

Armenian, Nagorno-Karabakh defense offices refute Azerbaijani reports 
 Monday, August 8 2022 11:29

ArmInfo.The defense offices of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh refute the disinformation by the Azerbaijan.  

Russian peacekeepers report one ceasefire violation by Azerbaijani  side 
 Monday, August 8 2022 10:32

ArmInfo.Over the past day in the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent one ceasefire violation was registered in the area of Sotk of Gegharkunik  region by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, as a result of which one  serviceman of the Armenian Armed Forces was wounded, the Russian  Defense Ministry informed about the activity of the Russian  peacekeepers in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone today. 

Artsakh State Minister criticizes artificial parity of international  institutions in their calls to Azerbaijan and Armenia
 Saturday, August 6 2022 15:03

ArmInfo. State Minister of the Republic of Artsakh Artak Beglaryan wonders why, in the context of the provocative actions and attacks carried out by Azerbaijan against  Artsakh and Artsakh Armenians since early August, international  institutions continue to maintain artificial parity in their calls to  the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides.

Despite some tension, operative situation is relatively stable
 Saturday, August 6 2022 14:59

ArmInfo.On the night of August 5-6 and as of 9AM, despite some tension, the operative situation was relatively stable, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Artsakh  reports.

U.S.  Ambassador to OSCE calls for immediate steps to reduce tensions  in Nagorno-Karabakh
 Friday, August 5 2022 16:08

ArmInfo. U.S. Permanent Representative tothe Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Michael Carpenter reacted to the latest developments  around Nagorno-Karabakh. So, in his microblog on Twitter, in  particular, he wrote:

Artsakh Defense Army: Azerbaijani Defense Ministry continues to  spread misinformation
 Friday, August 5 2022 13:33

ArmInfo.The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan continues to spread disinformation. This is  stated in the message of the Artsakh Defense Army.

UN Secretary General expresses concern about growing tension in  Nagorno-Karabakh
 Friday, August 5 2022 12:15

ArmInfo. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is following with concern recent reports of tensions over Nagorno-Karabakh.  Stephane Dujarric, Spokesman for the  Secretary-General stated this during the briefing.

Moscow not yet seen Armenian side`s initiatives in context of Russian  peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh - Russian FM
 Friday, August 5 2022 11:07

ArmInfo. Moscow has not yet seen any further initiatives by the Armenian side in the context of the Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian FM Sergey  Lavrov told reporters.  

Russian peacekeepers report ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan 
 Friday, August 5 2022 10:56

ArmInfo.Russian peacekeepers recorded four ceasefire violations by Azerbaijani troops during the last 24 hours, the RF Ministry of Defense reports. 

Situation along frontline remains tense 
 Friday, August 5 2022 10:55

ArmInfo. On the night of Aug. 4-5, and as of 9:00am August 5,  the tactical situation along the contact line was relatively stable. 

Russia will take measures to prevent escalation, commander of Russian  peacekeeping contingent assures
 Thursday, August 4 2022 23:53

ArmInfo.Commander of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, Major General Andrey Volkov met with representatives of the public and opposition forces of Artsakh.

Armenian FM briefs heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Armenia  on Azerbaijan`s aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh
 Thursday, August 4 2022 17:18

ArmInfo.On August 4, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan received the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Armenia.

MEPs react to Azerbaijan`s aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh and  demand EU`s proper response
 Thursday, August 4 2022 15:42

ArmInfo.European parliamentarians react to Azerbaijan's aggression against  Nagorno-Karabakh and demand a proper response from the European  Union.

Artsakh Parliament: We urge the Russian peacekeepers to carry out all  the necessary actions to ensure the stability of the contact line
 Thursday, August 4 2022 13:29

ArmInfo.The National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh issued a statement in connection with the escalation of the situation in various sections of the line of  contact between Artsakh and Azerbaijan 

CSTO Sec Gen issues statement on escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh. 
 Thursday, August 4 2022 12:48

ArmInfo.CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas has made a statement on the escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

