ArmInfo.By the decision of the Prime Minister, a working group has been established in Armenia, which will revise the family allowance system. As a result, the system should become more targeted and aimed at meeting the needs of those who need it. This was stated by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Armenia Zaruhi Batoyan on May 6 at a press conference, summing up her activities.
According to the Minister, today much has been done to protect the rights of those who really need social support.
Thus, from January 1, 2019, hearing aids are provided to citizens on the basis of a certificate, which allows them to choose both the manufacturer and, in fact, in which store to purchase them.
In addition, since 2019, all services provided to children, elderly people and people with disabilities have been delegated to public organizations, which are selected on a competitive basis.
A package of regulations was also adopted to ensure the application of the law "On the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the Protection of Persons Subject to Domestic Violence, and the Restoration of Family Consent". As a result, the requirements for temporary shelters were specified, as well as the list of specialists involved in the process. It was also determined the maximum amount of financial assistance to persons subjected to family violence - up to 150 thousand drams.
Recently, the Government of Armenia pardoned overdue loan obligations and fines issued to them for improving living conditions during 2002-2012, to 303 citizens who have the status of repressed and their heirs of the first stage in the amount of about 1 bln 300 million drams.
At the same time, according to the head of the Ministry of Labor, by the decree of the head of government a commission has been set up to improve the demographic situation in the republic, which will address issues in the field.
With regard to the protection of employees' rights, as the minister said, discussions will begin in May on changes to the Labor Code. The initiative will allow to give a comprehensive solution to the sphere, Batoyan said. And in order to better protect the rights of workers, a national program "Decent Work" has been developed. The document is aimed at ensuring equal rights of men and women in the labor market, as well as strengthening control over offenses in the field of labor relations.