Moscow: All territorial disputes and mutual claims between Baku,  Yerevan should be resolved exclusively through political and  diplomatic means
 Wednesday, April 3 2024, 16:31

ArmInfo. All territorial disputes and mutual claims between Baku and Yerevan should be  resolved exclusively by political and diplomatic means, within the  framework of a bilateral commission on border delimitation.

Russia continues to lose its position as friendly state for Armenia -  poll 
 Wednesday, April 3 2024, 15:36

ArmInfo. Russia continues to lose its position as a friendly state for Armenia. From 86% it dropped to 29.7%, according to a poll conducted by MPG "AntiPuzzle".

EUMA is turning into NATO mission in Armenia - Maria Zakharova 
 Wednesday, April 3 2024, 15:35

ArmInfo. The EU mission in Armenia is essentially turning into a NATO mission, Russian Foreign  Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated at a weekly briefing this on April 3. 

Armenia has never before had such high-level international  personality - Armenian MP
 Wednesday, April 3 2024, 15:31

ArmInfo.Armenia has never before had such a high level of subjectivity as it does now, Armen  Khachatryan of the dominant parliamentary faction Civil Contract told reporters about this on April 3, commenting on the statements by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova.

Surrender of Tavush villages NATO-dictated Armenian authorities`  initiative - Maria Zakharova 
 Wednesday, April 3 2024, 12:16

ArmInfo.The new aggravation between Armenia and Azerbaijan directly depends on how much official  Yerevan will allow the EU, USA and Britain to destructively influence the situation in the region as a whole and between the two countries, the Russian foreign ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, stated. 

Yerevan has done nothing wrong in its relations with Moscow - premier 
 Wednesday, April 3 2024, 10:51

ArmInfo. Yerevan has done nothing wrong in its relations with Moscow, Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan  stated at his meeting with members of the ruling Civil Contract party.

Why do Armenia`s authorities compare ancient civilization "to a  community in crisis?" - Maria Zakharova 
 Wednesday, April 3 2024, 10:45

ArmInfo. The current Armenian authorities in vain compare the ancient Armenian civilization, which  has a centuries-old history, with the European Union, whose affairs are frankly bad today, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova believes.

NGOs to tighten supervision over asylum-seekers` living conditions 
 Tuesday, April 2 2024, 11:56

ArmInfo. In Armenia, control by public organizations over the living conditions of persons granted  asylum will be strengthened. At a meeting on April 2, the Commission of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia issued a positive conclusion on the draft amendments to the law "On Refugees and  Asylum."

CSTO answers Pashinyan`s question about its area of responsibility
 Monday, April 1 2024, 21:57

ArmInfo.The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) considers its area of responsibility in Armenia to be its sovereign territory within the framework of settled state borders, the CSTO told RBC. This is how they responded to Yerevan's demand regarding the clarification of the organization's area of responsibility in the republic.

Orientalist:  current elections in Turkey are changing entire  situation in Eurasia
 Monday, April 1 2024, 14:45

ArmInfo.The weak electoral prospects of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan can seriously  change Moscow's geopolitics in Eastern Europe and have a tangible impact on the configuration of the partnership between Moscow and Beijing, says orientalist-sinologist Nikolai Vavilov.

Joining NATO not Armenia`s agenda now 
 Monday, April 1 2024, 12:46

ArmInfo.The problems in Armenian-Russian relations are obvious, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan in Buenos Aires stated in an interview with TN.

Armenian authorities` policy could affect country`s regional,  international prospects - Russian MP
 Monday, April 1 2024, 10:46

ArmInfo.The policy pursued today by the Armenian authorities can not only spoil Armenian-Russian  relations, but also deal a blow to Yerevan's prospects in regional and world affairs, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee of the Russian Federal Assembly on International Affairs, Grigory Karasin, wrote in response to an interview with the Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin.

Moscow, unlike the West, has living people here, who sometimes die -  Sergei Kopyrkin
 Saturday, March 30 2024, 15:48

ArmInfo. Armenia's entry into the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) was dictated by the realities in  which RA was located. Russian Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin stated this in an interview with 24News, referring to the words of the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Alen Simonyan that Yerevan has always followed the path of European integration, but suddenly it was pulled into the EAEU overnight.

Russian observation posts deployed at Armenian premier`s request -  Russian ambassador 
 Saturday, March 30 2024, 15:47

ArmInfo. Observation posts of Russian border guards on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan have  been placed at the personal request of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Russian Ambassador Sergei Kopyrkin stated in an interview with 24News.

Armenian-Russian relations are now becoming the object of wider  confrontation - Russian ambassador 
 Saturday, March 30 2024, 15:43

ArmInfo. Armenian-Russian relations are now becoming the object of wider confrontation - and  this is not hidden by the United States, Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin said. 

Moscow to Rasmussen:  presence of 102nd base and Russian border  guards is the only real guarantee of Armenia`s sovereignty
 Friday, March 29 2024, 17:53

ArmInfo.The presence of the 102nd base and Russian border guards is the only real guarantee of  Armenia's sovereignty. This was stated by the Russian Foreign Ministry when asked to comment on the provisions of the "Deepening EU-Armenia Relations:

Artsakh Ombudsman: Only 10.800 refugees from Artsakh managed to find  job in Armenia
 Friday, March 29 2024, 15:18

ArmInfo. There are four issues on the agenda of the Artsakh Ombudsman as oftoday: international support and social and humanitarian problems of forcibly displaced Artsakh residents in Armenia, work towards ensuring the right of Artsakh residents to return to their homeland, as well as protecting the rights and return of hostages and prisoners and work to preserve the spiritual and historical-cultural heritage.

U.S. Dept of State responds to Russian foreign office rep 
 Friday, March 29 2024, 13:02

ArmInfo. Matthew Miller, Spokesperson for the US Department of State, commented on the  concerns of Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), regarding the April 5 meeting in Brussels slated between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol  Pashinyan, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Russian president surprised by Armenian premier`s decision to  recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan - Russian FM
 Friday, March 29 2024, 10:20

ArmInfo. Russian President Vladimir Putin was surprised by Armenian Premier Nikol Pashinyan's  decision to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Izvestia. 

Russian FM last contacted his Armenian counterpart last Nov 
 Friday, March 29 2024, 10:07

ArmInfo. In an interview with Izvestia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that he last contacted his Armenian counterpart in November 2023.
