Volynkin: Russia does not expect essential changes in Armenian  foreign policy after parliamentary elections
 Friday, February 10 2017, 15:36

ArmInfo. Russia does not expect any essential changes of   be Armenian foreign policy after the National Assembly elections in April, despite afterwards  the  country will be governed on the basis of   Parliamentary  Model. 

Forecast: Breaks in relations as Lapshin`s case result may deepen 
 Thursday, February 9 2017, 16:02

ArmInfo. The breaks among former USSR states and Israel appeared in the result of Lapshin's case, will have to be tightened again in the worst scenario, but they  can deepen, thinks the Israeli Knesset deputy and International  expert Center for Electoral Systems (ICES) President Dr. Alexander  Tsinker. 

The expert: Reaching concordance  regarding the transit corridors  depends not only on Moscow and Tbilisi
 Thursday, February 9 2017, 13:45

ArmInfo. Reachin concordance in respect to the issue of new transport corridors opening depend not only on Moscow and Tbilisi, Manvel Sargsyan, the Director of Armenian Center of Srategic and National Studies  told ArmInfo. 

Moscow is deeply disappointed with Lapshin extradition, and Israel  attentively monitors the situation.
 Wednesday, February 8 2017, 14:45

ArmInfo.Russian  Foreign Ministry reacted the extradition of Russian-Israeli  blog writer Alexander Lapshin to Azerbaijan.  

 Wednesday, February 8 2017, 13:53


Following Lapshin`s extradition, Azerbaijan violated his rights at  the very first minutes of his arrival in Baku, Armenian Ombudsman  says   
 Wednesday, February 8 2017, 12:59

ArmInfo.Belarus's decision on extradition of blog writer Alexander Lapshin for the latter's visit to Karabakh is a violation of his freedom of speech, Armenian  Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan says in a statement.    

Yerevan: Extradition of Lapshin once again demonstrates existing gap  between dictatorship and democracy
 Wednesday, February 8 2017, 11:44

ArmInfo."The persecution of Alexander Lapshin, his extradition to Azerbaijan is a gross violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of speech and movement,  which once again demonstrates the existing gap between dictatorship  and democracy," Armenian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tigran Balayan  says his comment on the extradition of Alexander Lapshin to  Azerbaijan.

NKR Foreign Ministry: Extradition of Lapshin is a flagrant violation  of fundamental rights to freedom of movement and freedom of speech
 Wednesday, February 8 2017, 11:43

ArmInfo. The Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry has responded to Minsk's  extradition of the Russian-Israeli blog writer Alexander Lapshin to Azerbaijan.   

Blog writer Lapshin will be extradited to Azerbaijan - Belarussia`s  Upper Court left verdict unchanged 
 Tuesday, February 7 2017, 15:36

ArmInfo.The Upper Court of Belarus dismissed the Russian-  Israeli blog writer Alexander Lapshin's appeal on legality and  validity of the Minsk City Court decision, which recognized the  Belarus' General Prosecutor's decision on  Baku's extradition request  to be a legal one. 

 Wednesday, February 1 2017, 17:14


Elmar Mammadyarov announces Baku`s plans "to liberate all occupied  districts one by one"  
 Tuesday, January 31 2017, 14:05

ArmInfo.Moscow is trying to organize a meeting at the level of foreign ministers of Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia, Azeri FM Elmar Mammadyarov said at a briefing in  Baku, Trend reports.      

 Wednesday, January 25 2017, 14:47


Thomas de Waal: It is a misconception that Moscow is pulling the  strings in the Karabakh conflict
 Wednesday, January 25 2017, 14:12

ArmInfo."Now that the latest diplomatic initiative, spearheaded by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, has stalled, there is a temptation for Baku to retry  what might be called military leverage - to launch another operation  to recapture territory and put pressure on the Armenian side," Thomas  de Waal, Senior Fellow at Carnegie Europe, says in his article "The  Threat of a Karabakh Conflict in 2017".

Azerbaijani journalist fired for Nagorno Karabakh related  question  addressed to Lavrov 
 Monday, January 23 2017, 13:35

ArmInfo. Anar Hasanov,  Russia reporter of Azerbaijani channel of Lider TV, was fired from his job after  addressing  a question about  "liberation" of Nagorno  Karabakh to Lavrov. 

Moscow: Russian Embassy in Minsk takes all legal steps to protect  Alexander Lapshin rights and interests
 Friday, January 20 2017, 22:53

ArmInfo.The Embassy of Russian Federation takes all the steps necessary to protect Alexander Lapshin's legal rights and interests, the department of media and  press of the Russian Foreign Ministry  informed ArmInfo  due to the  decision of Minsk to detent Alexander Lapshin.

Russian lawmaker: Russia wants no re-escalation of Karabakh conflict  
 Wednesday, January 11 2017, 17:19

ArmInfo.Russia stands against re-escalation of the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict, Sergei  Zheleznyak, a member of the country's State Duma Committee for International Affairs, told APA's Moscow correspondent.

Forecast: Any escalation at the contact line and Armenian-Azerbaijani  border will strike not only CSTO but Russia also. 
 Tuesday, January 10 2017, 20:38

ArmInfo. Moscow's growing role in  Nagorno Karabakh Settlement means also a new level  of its responsibility, putting new tasks in front of Russia, Sergey  Markedonov, Russian political expert states his opinion. 

 Wednesday, December 21 2016, 15:05


 Wednesday, December 21 2016, 15:02


Analysis: An attempt of Russia, Iran and Turkey to deal on Syria  avoiding other partners   looks to be shaped
 Wednesday, December 21 2016, 13:29

ArmInfo. It is obvious, that an attempt of Russia, Iran and Turkey is being shaped to reach trilateral agreements avoiding other regional and non-regional partners and competitors, Sergey Minasyan, the Caucasus Institute Director expressed his opinion to ArmInfo. 
